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Analytical skills attained with liberal arts degrees allow grads to excel in any workplace, says Toronto Star

Analytical skills attained with liberal arts degrees allow grads to excel in any workplace, says Toronto Star

A new Toronto Star article features our grad Angela Esguerra, who is marketing and advertising manager for Sporting Life in Toronto.

The article says that although she graduated at the height of the recession in 2008, she remained confident that her degree would pay off. “What I learned from my degree definitely helped me in my career path,” says Esguerra. “Because I’m in marketing for a Canadian high-end retailer, you have to be able to sell your idea — and I got that skill from York University’s humanities program.”

Professor Andrea Davis, Department of Humanities Chair, is quoted “While there has been a push towards giving students training that they can immediately translate into some kind of tangible job, we’ve missed the importance of also ensuring that our population has the ability to think critically. One of the most important things about a humanities or liberal arts degree is its commitment to producing a well-rounded citizen with the ability to enter into any job.”