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Children, Childhood & Youth

IRSCL Congress 2017

IRSCL Congress 2017

Congratulations to the LA&PS Summer Abroad 2016 Contest's winners

Congratulations to the LA&PS Summer Abroad 2016 Contest's winners

Several students from the HUMA 4147 summer course abroad in Limpopo, South Africa 2016 recently participated in the LA&PS Summer Abroad 2016 Contest. The contest invited submissions from all students in LA&PS summer abroad courses to showcase their educational experience abroad. Team Limpopo 2016 had three finalists in the competition! Rowena Tam, Chenai David and Aisha […]

Congratulations to Professor A. Emberly for receiving SSHRC Partnership Development Grant

Congratulations to Professor A. Emberly for receiving SSHRC Partnership Development Grant

SSHRC Partnership Development Grant ($199,917.00) 2016-2018: Connecting culture and childhood: implications of the repatriation of archival recordings for children and young people. Partners: Makerere University (Uganda), Memorial University (Canada), Rhodes University (South Africa), University of Melbourne (Australia), University of Alberta (Canada), University of Washington (USA), University of Venda (South Africa), University of Arizona (USA). The Connecting Culture […]

New book by Professor K. Chakraborty

New book by Professor K. Chakraborty

Professor K. Chakraborty's new book "Young Muslim Women in India: Bollywood, Identity and Changing Youth Culture" has just been published by Routledge. The book details the changing lives of youth, particularly young women, living in slum communities (bustees) in Kolkata, India. Using young people’s own photos, art and narratives, the book explores how Muslim girls and […]