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Culture & Expression

Canadian Writers in Person series features CanLit talent

This fall will be a real page turner for those interested in CanLit. On select Tuesday evenings throughout the 2017-18 academic year, York University’s celebrated Canadian Writers in Person series presents 11 established and new writers presenting readings from their published work. “We have a terrific lineup of authors for 2017-18,” says Professor Gail Vanstone, […]

Culture and Expression Course Students showcase their work at the York Research Fair

The Culture & Expression program extends its heartiest congratulations to Sam Sanchinel and Emily Mastragostino for being nominated and showcasing their work at the 2017 York Undergraduate Research Fair. Their posters were based on work completed in CLTR 3100 Culture, Meaning and Form, and they were nominated by Professor Carolyn Steele.

C&E Research Seminar: Griots to Emcees with Motion (Spoken Word Artist)

The Culture & Expression program invites you to join its Research Seminar- Griots to Emcees: Examining Culture, Performance and Spoken Word. Date: March 23, 2016 Time: 4:00-6:00 pm Location: 010 Vanier College Motion: Toronto poet & screenwriter , will be performing at this seminar. You are all warmly invited. C&E Research Seminar

York University Students to Interview 'Pursue Impossible' 3D Artists for Assignment

Students fromYork University in Canada will be examining the artworks at the UWA Gallery entered for the Pursue Impossible challenges and selecting artists to interview for the creation of Artists profiles, under the tutelage of Dr Carolyn Steele for the 2nd year Culture and Expression/Humanities Course in a uni titled:  Art and Artists in 3D […]

CLTR course Experiencing Canadian Culture featured on CBC show

Finding Spaces -- CBC Radio This show explores why many people don't visit spaces that are considered as public -- the ballet, the museum, ethnic enclaves or even large sporting arenas -- and how we can make these spaces our own. [read more...]