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Akshay Subramaniam Raju

Akshay Subramaniam Raju

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Akshay Subramaniam Raju

Business - Marketing Stream

Key Account Manager

Akshay Subramaniam Raju embarked on his journey with the Internationally Educated Professionals (IEP) program at York University with a clear objective in mind - to navigate the complexities of the Canadian job market and elevate his career trajectory in marketing and management. Reflecting on his decision to join the program, Akshay highlighted the unique advantages it offered to professionals in his field. He remarked, "The IEP program is the only bridging program catered to Marketers and Management graduates which is flexibly structured in terms of course curriculum, alumni support network and the reputation of the institute." This compelling combination of factors drew him to the program, providing him with the resources and guidance necessary for a successful transition into the Canadian workforce.

For Akshay, the evening classes offered by the program were instrumental in balancing his studies with his existing career commitments. He expressed his appreciation, stating, "The best part of the course, as per me, was the evening classes that dovetailed into my busy career schedule. It is perfect for working people since the visiting professors are mostly part-time faculty with a thriving professional career." These classes not only accommodated his schedule but also offered a practical perspective on Canadian work culture, enriching his understanding and equipping him with valuable insights.

Networking played a pivotal role in Akshay's journey, and he actively participated in career fairs and engagement events organized by the program. Reflecting on these experiences, he noted, "I really enjoyed all the career fairs and made it a point to attend them all. This was particularly important to me since practically none of the companies present in the fairs have a presence in India, and that opened me up to drawing parallels between the Indian economy that I am familiar with a new marketplace that I am trying to transition to." Through these interactions, Akshay not only expanded his professional network but also gained a deeper understanding of the Canadian business landscape.

The program's curriculum, enriched by marketing subjects and expert faculty, provided Akshay with valuable knowledge essential for success in the Canadian labor market. He emphasized the significance of this learning experience, stating, "I took some very niche Marketing subjects taught by Prof. Sodhi, which was an eye-opener about the market dynamics and the regulatory framework in Canada." Moreover, the supportive York community exposed him to new opportunities and avenues for professional growth.

Reflecting on his journey and offering advice to fellow newcomers, Akshay underscored the importance of resilience and individuality in navigating the Canadian job market. He shared, "Everybody's journey is different and unique. Some have to apply for 500+ jobs to get a break, while others have it easier. But it is highly imperative to not let others' experiences color your opinions, rather this country rewards those who uniquely chart their path." He highlighted the role of the IEP program in providing the necessary support and resources to stand out in a competitive job market.

In summarizing his experience with the IEP program, Akshay provided a poignant reflection, stating, "Any newcomer immigrant sooner or later comes to a hard realization sooner than later that the Canadian job market is a very tough place to get an entry and make their mark in. The IEP program keeps you sane, helps you network, gives you a reputed brand to add to your CV, and provides you valuable skills and perspective that are desperately needed not only to make a newcomer more employable but also to help them thrive and stand apart from the competition.  Since every other classmate or colleague is a high-caliber working professional as you, they are on the same boat and have the same needs and requirements you can sync and support each other with. If nothing else, this alone sets the stage for you to gain the confidence to crack the job market wide open. "
