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Zikora Anyafo

Zikora Anyafo

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Zikora Anyafo

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Foundation Program

Project Coordinator
Core Architects

Zikora Anyafo needed some time off to refocus his career and create a clear pathway on his goals and stated that “the IEP program was the much-needed breather that enabled that”.
It was through the various webinars, career coaching sessions, networking opportunities, jumpstart to success as well as the foundation courses that “really broadened” Zikora’s knowledge of the Canadian workplace culture and expectations.

When Zikora reflected on his challenges as a newcomer and was asked to describe some of the barriers to employment that he faced upon arrival in Canada, he identified that, “The major challenge is in finding a firm to believe in your skills and knowledge from your background and taking a bet on you. Because I had no Canadian work and educational experience, the opportunities tend to be limited”.

According to Zikora, he pursued the IEP Program because “at the time, I had been away from work for a while, I needed the program to get me into the work culture mood before I got into an employment”. After joining the IEP Program, he had claimed that the knowledge he acquired in the program was “essential in solving challenges and meeting expectations on a day-to-day basis” and “found it easy to assess as facilitators of all courses and the program were very supportive in guiding us and providing resources to help integrate us into the Canadian workforce”.

Thanks to the knowledge and the skills acquired, as well as the support, Zikora received in the IEP Bridging Program, he is now employed as a Project Coordinator in Core Architects located in downtown Toronto.

When asked what advice he would give another newcomer and who was looking for a job, he said: “Believe in yourself, never give-up, and develop yourself. Look for the right people in your career pathway who understand the system and are willing to give you good advice”.
