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ITEC Honours Minor BA Option

To fulfill program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits toward the major or minor.

All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.

Students prior to entering ITEC are required to have completed one 4U mathematics course or the equivalent with in the last five years.

ITEC Minor Requirements (33 Credits):

  • 21 credits in required courses as listed below
  • 12 credits from other ITEC courses

Other Requirements:

  • Credits outside the minor: SC/MATH 2565 3.00 (Introduction to Applied Statistics) or equivalent.

Program notes for BA ITEC courses: the below chart refers only to courses completed prior to entry to the BA ITEC program.

Required Courses

Course Code Course Title
AP/ITEC 1000 3.00Introduction to Information Technology
AP/ITEC 1010 3.00Information and Organizations
AP/ITEC 1620 3.00Object-based Programming
AP/ITEC 2600 3.00Introduction to Analytical Programming
AP/ITEC 3010 3.00Systems Analysis and Design
AP/ITEC 3210 3.00Applied Data Communications and Networks
AP/ITEC 3220 3.00Using and Designing Database Systems

Course Substitutes

BA ITEC Program CourseSubstitute
AP/ITEC 1620 3.00LE/EECS 1020 3.00
AP/ITEC 2620 3.00LE/EECS 1030 3.00
AP/ITEC 3220 3.00LE/EECS 3421 3.00
AP/ITEC 3230 3.00LE/EECS 3461 3.00
AP/ITEC 1000 3.00Students who have successfully completed EECS courses prior to entering the program may replace ITEC 1000 3.00 with any EECS course that has not already been used towards the fulfillment of another requirement. Should no such course be available, students may replace ITEC 1000 3.00 with any ITEC course not specifically required for completion of the degree requirements.
AP/ITEC 2600 3.00 SC/MATH 1019 3.00, or SC/MATH 2320 3.00, completed prior to entering the program
SC/MATH 2565 3.00SC/MATH 2560 3.00, or SC/MATH 2570 3.00, or SC/MATH 1131 3.00 completed prior to entering the program