Gabriella Conforti
DARE Project: Interrogating Canadian Identities / L'identities canadiennes -- une interrogation (ICI)
Program(s) of Study: Communication & Media Studies
Project Supervisor: Anne F. MacLennan
I hope that my research will help Canadians realize the different ways in which they perceive their identities, how the media portrays the Canadian identity, and the impacts this may have.
Project Description:
Interrogating Canadian Identities / L'identities canadiennes -- une interrogation (ICI) is about interrogating existing images and ideas about Canadian identity from the past to the present. By identifying and interrogating how Canadians perceive themselves and how they have been portrayed in both legacy and community media, we can better understand Canadians' perspectives about themselves and their Canadian identities and ultimately determine whether or not any evolution has occurred and if media policy should proceed with a nation-building mandate.The Dean’s Award for Research Excellence (DARE) – Undergraduate enables our students to meaningfully engage in research projects supervised by LA&PS faculty members. Find out more about DARE.