The following is a list of internet sites which may help get you started on an assignment or connect you with important information. Keep in mind this list is under construction and be aware that not all internet sites are trustworthy sources of information. Browse the following resources to inform your learning and research.

Research Guides
Improve your research with guidance from the Office of the Gender and Women's Studies Librarian at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies at York
Learn to critically analyze and identify intersections of gender, race, class, age, ability and sexuality as they operate in society and culture.

Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's Studies
This institute fosters research and study, sponsors events and speakers, and promotes discussion and debate on women’s issues.

Feminist Majority Foundation Research Centre
The Feminist Majority Foundation promotes equality, justice and empowerment for women, girls and disadvantaged groups in the U.S.

A nonprofit working with leading CEOs and companies to help build workplaces that work for women. Catalyst drives change with research, practical tools and proven solutions.
One of the first major web sites for lesbians. Find a comprehensive list of lesbian-oriented support, non-profits and other resources.

International Alliance for Women in Music
The IAWM fosters and encourages the activities of women in music. Welcoming members of all genders, IAWM is helping reshape the music industry for greater equity and inclusion.

Management Leadership for Tomorrow
MLT is a nonprofit transforming the leadership pipelines of over 120 leading organizations by equipping and emboldening high-achieving individuals from underrepresented communities.

National Association for Female Executives
NAFE provides resources to women professionals and business owners through education, networking, and public advocacy to empower women to achieve both career and personal success.

Canadian Public Health Association
CPHA is the independent national voice and trusted advocate for public health, speaking up for people and populations to all levels of government.

Ontario Women's Justice Network
OWJN works with individuals, communities and institutions to change ideas, actions and policies with the goal of ending violence against women and youth.

The global champion for gender equality, working to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and girl can exercise her human rights and live up to her full potential.

National Organization of Women
NOW is dedicated to a multi-issue and multi-strategy approach to women’s rights. It is the largest organization of feminist grassroots activists in the U.S.

Canadian Research Institute for the advancement of women
CRIAW is a research institute which provides tools to facilitate organizations taking action to advance social justice and equality for all women.