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LA&PS professor recognized for pioneering Black studies in Canada

At its Fall 2023 Convocation ceremonies, British Columbia’s Royal Roads University awarded York University Professor Andrea Davis an honorary doctor of laws degree in recognition of her pioneering work bringing Black studies programming to Canadian academia. Professor Andrea Davis in Department of Humanities, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, teaches courses in Black Cultures of the Americas and is the founder and program coordinator of the University’s Black Canadian Studies Certificate. Introduced in 2018, it was one of only two university programs of its kind in Canada at the time. “Black students at York in 2016 were asking for programs that reflected their histories and experiences,” said ...

LA&PS professor recognized for pioneering Black studies in Canada

Our Experts in the Media

Quebec’s government wants a ‘neutral’ state – but it gets to define neutrality


Dr. Nadia Hasan, an assistant professor at the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, highlights Quebec's Bill 21, also known as An Act Respecting the Laicity of the State. This law prohibits individuals who wear religious symbols, like a turban, hijab, or kippah, from holding certain public-sector positions in the province.

Bill 21: Majority of Muslim women considered leaving Quebec for work


About 71 per cent of Muslim women surveyed in Quebec considered leaving the province for work due to the affects of Bill 21, during the pandemic. Dr. Nadia Hassan, a professor at LA&PS, has conducted a study that reveals how Bill 21 systematically places Muslim women in vulnerable positions, casting them as second-class citizens.

From land acknowledgements to solidarity statements

Land acknowledgements have become a common practice in our society, but do we truly understand their meaning and purpose? LA&PS Associate Professor and member of the Haudenosaunee nation, Dr. Ruth Green, explored this topic at the Aurora Public Library on April 18th.


Preventing the spread of wildfires in Alberta

Eric Kennedy (Disaster and Emergency Management and college head) was on CTV Your Morning.
