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Department of Humanities

Professor Christina Sharpe earns 2025 Killam Prize for her impact on Black studies and the humanities

York University Professor Christina Sharpe has been named a recipient of the 2025 Killam Prize. The prestigious $100,000 prize is awarded annually to just five distinguished Canadian scholars to recognize their sustained research excellence. Sharpe’s work in Black studies, which spans a wide range of disciplines, has been widely recognized both within Canada and internationally. […]

Department of Humanities Professor Elisha Lim to co-edit special issue of Social Text journal

Associate Professor Elisha Lim has been named guest co-editor of a special issue of the peer-reviewed journal, Social Text, a publication which explores cultural theory by considering social and cultural phenomena. Lim is a professor in the Department of Humanities where they research topics including social media platforms, critical race theory and more. This special […]

Five Professors from the Department of Humanities honoured at the 2024 York University Research Awards Celebration

Professor Sara Horowitz, Associate Professor Andrea Emberly, Associate Professor Alison Halsall, Professor Christina Sharpe and Professor Andrea Davis were honoured during the 2024 York University Research Awards Celebration. The York University Research Award Celebration honours York’s scholars across all faculties and schools for their remarkable achievements and contributions to creating positive change. Read the full […]

LA&PS Prof releases book on how films help us understand the inevitable death of Earth and humanity 

Department of Humanities Professor Jean-Thomas Tremblay has co-authored a new book, titled Negative Life: The Cinema of Extinction (Northwestern University Press, 2024), which brings film studies, queer theory and psychoanalysis into novel configuration.  The book makes a tripartite argument; first, that life is held together by contradictions which the contemporary climate crisis aggravates; second, that […]

Sophocles, Antigone: A Dramatic Reading

Vanier College Productions and The Program in Classical Studies Present Sophocles, Antigone: A Dramatic Reading Friday, February 162.30 - 4.30 p.m. and 7.30 - 9.30 p.m.Fred Thury Studio Theatre258 Vanier College, York University

Joy Lam - Winner of LA&PS Writing Prize (MRP category)

Dear CCY community – I wanted to share with you the fabulous news that one of our students, Joy Lam, has won the prestigious LA&PS Writing Prize in the MRP category, for her essay entitled, “‘I’m never going to have a fairy tale ending’: Girls’ Perspectives on Disney Films.” Please join me in congratulating her […]

York University Professors Alison Halsall and Jonathan Warren Honoured with 2023 Eisner Award for Best Academic/Scholarly Work

San Diego, California - We are thrilled to announce that York University professors Alison Halsall and Jonathan Warren have won the prestigious 2023 Eisner Award for Best Academic/Scholarly Work. Their groundbreaking work, titled The LGBTQ+ Comics Studies Reader: Critical Openings, Future Directions, has received the comic industry's most distinguished recognition, the Eisner Award. Halsall and […]

LA&PS Professor collaborates with YPT on 5th Annual Children, Youth and Performance Conference

The fifth annual Children, Youth and Performance Conference took place June 16-18th 2023 this Spring at Young People’s Theatre in Toronto. This conference is the largest academic forum held in Canada focusing specifically on children, youth and the performing arts. Dr. Abigail Shabtay, a professor in LA&PS has run this conference annually since 2017, receiving […]

New Religious Studies Course

AP/HUMA 1847 9.00 (crosslisted with AP/RLST 1847 9.00) Sikhs and Sikhi(sm): Texts, Contexts, and Living Traditions The Religious Studies Program is excited to announce that Professor Julie Vig is offering a new course in Fall/Winter 2023 RLST 1847 9.0 Sikh and Sikhi(ism). Looking for a course on Asian Religions? Or know a friend looking for […]

Religious Studies Essay Prizes

Every year the Religious Studies program awards two prizes for the best essays written in Religious Studies courses in the past year. Now that the semester is over, I want to encourage you to consider submit your work to be considered for the prizes.  The William R. Coleman Prize: This book prize is offered to the […]