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Department of Social Science

International Development Studies Professor co-edits a new book about conducting research in repressive states

Merouan Mekouar, Associate Professor of International Development Studies in the Department of Social Science at York University, has co-edited a book entitled Doing Research as a Native: A Guide for Fieldwork in Illiberal and Repressive States. The book contains the stories and experiences of 19 scholars from 15 different countries who completed fieldwork in their […]

Assistant professor Jessica Braimoh co-produces documentary on homelessness in Ontario

Jessica Braimoh, assistant professor in the Department of Social Science in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, has co-produced an important new documentary Bridging Divides: Voices and Visions about Homelessness. The documentary shares the stories of individuals experiencing homelessness in Ontario’s mid-sized cities, dismantling misconceptions while looking at the factors contributing to homelessness […]

Looking for an elective or an upper-level course?

Looking for an elective or an upper-level course? We currently have space available in the following courses: SOSC 2000 6.0 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Social InquirySOSC 2007 6.0 Representing Climate ChangeSOSC 2110 6.0 Critical Study of Health and SocietySOSC 2210 6.0 Labour Relations and ResistanceSOSC 2345 6.0 Corporations that Changed the WorldSOSC 2346 6.0 Ethics and […]

Check out the approved Social Science General Education courses for Fall/Winter 2024-2025

Looking for an approved Social Science Gen. Ed.? We are offering the following courses in Fall/Winter 2024-2025: SOSC 1000 6.0, Introduction to Social ScienceSOSC 1000 9.0, Introduction to Social ScienceSOSC 1140 9.0, Self, Culture, and SocietySOSC 1142 9.0, Climate Change and Society (NEW!)SOSC 1340 9.0, Introduction to Business and SocietySOSC 1341 9.0, The Social EconomySOSC […]

Rethinking surveillance historically: From the medieval eye-of-God to the modern eye-of-power

Criminology Annual Lecture 2024 Date: March 14, 2024 Time: 3 - 5 p.m. Location: CLH (Curtis Lecture Halls) B Speaker: Professor David Lyon (Queen’s University). Professor David Lyon is the former Director of the Surveillance Studies Centre, and Professor Emeritus of Sociology and of Law at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario. A pioneer in the field of Surveillance Studies, he has authored or […]

Passings: Professor Emerita Lillian Lerman

Dr. Lillian Lerman, Professor Emerita and former Undergraduate Program Director of the Division of Social Science in the Faculty of Arts (now Liberal Arts & Professional Studies), passed away on January 26, 2024. Lillian was a longtime and beloved member of the Division of Social Science, both as a lecturer and academic leader who could […]

HESO Prof Kenton Kroker awarded AMS grant to support history of sleep medicine in Canada

Kroker received the AMS History of Healthcare Project Grant, worth $20,000, for his historical study titled “Innovation, Expertise, and Equity: Creating Sleep Medicine within Canada’s Universal Health Care System, 1970 – 2000.” Kroker asks what effects Canada’s evolving system of universal health care had on sleep medicine since 1970. “I’m thrilled to use this grant […]

HESO 2021-2022 Student Award Winners

HESO is pleased to announce its 2021-2022 student award recipients! Health & Society Founders Prize: Second-year: Amen Okungbowa Third-year: Jennifer Santin Fourth-year: Jennifer Santin Gina Feldberg Prize: Amanda Cowen Congratulations to the winners for their outstanding work.

Success story: Faduma Ali

Faduma Ali is a Junior Professional Officer at Environmental Co-operation Unit at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Secretariat. Read the interview with Faduma Ali on OSCE website.

Passings - Jan Krouzil

Department of Social Science mourns Jan Krouzil's passing and we extend our heartfelt condolences to his family, friends, colleagues.