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Our Alumni

Meet our passionate, accomplished alumni. We are proud of the positive impact our Department of Politics graduates are making in their communities and around the world. Find out all the ways our alumni are providing inspiration, bringing about change and providing mentorship for students.

York U Alumni Awards Recipient - 2024

The York University Alumni Awards recognize outstanding alumni who have achieved the extraordinary and are working to right the future by creating positive change in their fields. This year features a Department of Politics graduate.

Michael Eubanks 

Chief Information Officer, goeasy Ltd.
BA ’93, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies

Michael A. Eubanks is the chief information officer of goeasy Ltd. Michael leverages more than 30 years of diverse experience across the retail, financial services and digital and information technology sectors in both Canada and the U.S. As a leader in enterprise strategic planning, he specializes in implementing complex technology changes to meet shifting business models for public and private companies. A believer of strong leadership at every level, Michael is passionate about identifying and mentoring the next generation of leaders. 

Before Michael’s appointment at goeasy in 2020, he was chief information officer at the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) and the Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS). He has also held senior technology management roles at the Canadian Tire Corporation and Best Buy International. Michael is a graduate of York University and has completed the Institute Corporate Director’s Program Certification from the Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto.  Michael is currently a board member and chair of the Human Resources Committee for Toronto Hydro Corporation, as well as a board member of Allstate Insurance Company of Canada.


Brent Arnold

Political Science
Bachelor of Arts (BA) 1998

Partner (Trial Lawyer & Data Breach Counsel), Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP


Aibakyt Baekova

Global Political Studies


Steven Broadley

Political Science
Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Honours 2012

Counsel, Broadley Law Professional Corporation


Josh Calderon

Political Science
Bachelor of Arts (BA) 2008

Founder, grit + co law


Aaron Crangle

Political Science
Bachelor of Arts (BA) 1995

Lawyer, Crangle Law Professional Corporation


Daniela De Cotis

Political Science
Bachelor of Arts (BA) 1998

Vice President, Human Resources, TD Bank Group


Tanika McLeod

Political Science


Sajeth Paskaran

Criminology, Political Science


Sandra Pasquini

Political Science
Bachelor of Arts (BA) 1997

Vice President HR Consumer & Talent Acquisitio, Rogers Communications


Rose Qaderi

Political Science
Bachelor of Arts (BA) 2013

Co-Founder & Principal Consultant, QY Search & Advisory


Leslie Quintanilla

Political Science


Leora Shemesh

Political Science
Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Honours 1997

Owner, Leora Shemesh Criminal Law


Nick Tarielashvili

Political Science


Maria-Palma Zito

Political Science