Browse through the database below to explore courses that will fulfill certain degree requirements in the Global Political Studies program.
When registering for classes on the Course Timetable website, be sure to carefully read through the "Notes/Additional Fees" section of each course you select.
Important information for students who began the Global Political Studies program before Fall 2021:
- For students who began their programs before Fall 2021, note that the new GLBL courses listed below should be used as substitutes for the POLS courses normally fulfilling Global Political Studies major credit requirements.
- Prior to enrolling in courses, consult the Degree Options & Requirements web page for further information about important changes to Global Political Studies. Please consult Lissa Chiu, Student Success & Academic Advisor, at, for advice about meeting your degree requirements given these changes.
AP/GLBL 1000 6.00
Introduction to Global Studies
New in Fall/ Winter 2021-2022. This course introduces students to the historical contexts and junctures within which ‘the global’ has takenshape and been transformed. It is the introductory core course in Global Studies.
AP/GLBL 2000 3.00
Foundations of Global Studies
Coming in Fall 2022. This course builds on the foundations laid in GLBL 1000, offering a more in-depth examination of the diversity of approaches to the field of global studies. It also expands those foundations ...
AP/GLBL 2201 3.00
Introduction to International Politics
The study of the forces that structure, power, conflict, compromise and cooperation both within states and among them, emphasizing the diversities and inequalities, the violence, and the on-going struggles to achieve political community that mark ...
AP/GLBL 2400 3.00
Introduction to Comparative Politics
An introduction to the comparative study of political systems, institutions, and processes. The second half of the course will examine in detail the government and politics of specific countries and regions.
AP/GLBL 3000 3.00
Approaches to Globalization
Coming in Winter 2023. This course analyses contemporary globalizations in the context of the history of globalizations and the variousapproaches to globalization. It connects theory and practice in the context of the broad understandings of ...
AP/GLBL 3200 3.00
Global Conflict and Security I
This course acquaints students with issues surrounding conflict and security in global politics as it has evolved over the past three centuries. It examines the history and development of war from the medieval period to ...
AP/GLBL 3210 3.00
Global Conflict and Security II
This course explores the issues surrounding different dimensions of conflict and security in the contemporary period. In its broadest sense, security can be understood not only in military, but also in political, economic, cultural and ...
AP/GLBL 3220 3.00
Comparative Foreign Policy Analysis
An introduction to the objectives and instruments of understanding foreign policy from a comparative perspective. Special attention will be devoted to the United States and its inter-connections with the North Pacific in the 20th century. ...
AP/GLBL 3230 3.00
Global Issues in Foreign Policy
Increasingly, problems such as environmental degradation, sustainable development, the uses and effects of technology in financial production and communication systems, human rights abuses, refugee and population movements, and militarization, require solutions that can only be ...
AP/GLBL 3240 3.00
Multilateralism I: The United Nations, Regional Organiztions, and International Law
Multilateralism concerns the management of conflict and the building of cooperation among the variety of political entities and agents that enter the field of world politics. The primary purpose of this half course is to ...
AP/GLBL 3250 3.00
Multilateralism II: The Political Economy of International Organizations
Multilateralism concerns the management of conflict and the building of cooperation among the variety of political entities and agents that enter the field of world politics and governance. The primary purpose of this course is ...
AP/GLBL 3255 6.00
Human Rights in Global Economy
Explores challenges to the fulfillment of internationally recognized human rights posed by globalization, emphasizing socio-economic rights like food, security, water and livelihood rights. Examines the role of states, international institutions, corporations and civil society in ...
AP/GLBL 3260 3.00
War and Peace in the Middle East
This course examines the causes of conflicts in the Middle East. The history of foreign powers' involvement in the region, religious fundamentalism, authoritarianism, economic development and politics of oil and water provide the background to ...
AP/GLBL 3262 3.00
Popular Culture & International Politics
Our common ideas about international politics present a reified world of diplomats, heads of state, military officers or, more abstractly, of states 'acting' in some way. This course asks: What can we learn about international ...
AP/GLBL 3270 3.00
Global Political Economy I: Theory and Approaches
The course provides students with some key conceptual tools with which to understand the global political economic processes that shape our world today. We begin with a brief discussion of contemporary theoretical perspectives and then ...
AP/GLBL 3275 3.00
Global Political Economy II: Issues and Problems Since 1945
This course focuses on issues and problems related to the post-1945 global political economy. It explores topics such as the globalization of production and the associated movement of labour, commodities and capital; the nature of ...
AP/GLBL 3280 3.00
Canada and World Affairs
This course examines Canada's foreign and defence policy interests in the post-cold war era, and the domestic and international forces, processes, interests and actors which interact in the formulation, and pursuit, of these interests. In ...
AP/GLBL 3297 3.00
Foundations of Political Economy
This course introduces students to the political underpinnings of the modern economy and to 'political economy' as a distinct field of study. It examines the evolution of capitalism from its humble European beginnings to its ...
AP/GLBL 3400 3.00
Political Economy of Industrial Democracies
The changes taking place in the world capitalist system have had their roots in advanced capitalist societies. But these changes have also produced profound restructuring of these societies, undermining the political arrangements that emerged in ...
AP/GLBL 3401 3.00
Post-Communist Transformations: Can East Become West?
The fall of communism in Russia and Eastern Europe in the early 1990's was hailed by many observers as a triumph of freedom. Building new politico-economic systems, however, remains a daunting challenge. The experiments with ...
AP/GLBL 3410 3.00
Global City Regions
This course explores the development of global city regions in a comparative perspective, including a critical assessment of state restructuring processes and how globalization is anchored in urban politics and the ways in which city-regions ...
AP/GLBL 3411 3.00
The Political Economy of Newly Industrialized Countries
The course examines theoretical debates concerning the political economy of industrialization in post-colonial countries through examination of specific case studies.
AP/GLBL 3415 3.00
Work and Employment in the Global Economy
The course examines the dramatic changes in work and employment practices, new production processes and increased capital mobility against the background of the emerging global economy. Special emphasis is given to the future of women's ...
AP/GLBL 3450 3.00
Women and Politics
This course examines women's political position in advanced capitalist countries. The focus is historical, theoretical, and issue-oriented. Issues examined include the politics of racism, sexuality, reproduction, and pornography within formal political structures and community organizing.
AP/GLBL 3455 3.00
Topics in Women and Politics
This course will build on its prerequisite. It examines contemporary feminist debates and dilemmas that relate to the diverse dimensions of women and politics. The main focus will be on Canada, although there will be ...
AP/GLBL 3500 3.00
The Rise and Fall of Communism in Russia and Eastern Europe
The Communist challenge to capitalism was one of the major twentieth-century forces which have shaped the contemporary world. This course examines key political developments in Russia and Eastern Europe from the Russian Revolution of 1917 ...
AP/GLBL 3510 3.00
China: Path to Modernization and Democracy
This course examines the origins and development of the modern Chinese political system. Emphasis is on the role of Mao Zedong, the post-1949 period and the reform of Chinese socialism.
AP/GLBL 3515 3.00
China: 21st Century Superpower?
China's relationship with the outside world has been one of the dominant themes in its development. How is China moving from its position of isolation to become a 21st century superpower? We focus on the ...
AP/GLBL 3520 3.00
West European Politics
This course examines the different patterns of development of the states and political institutions of the major West European democracies. It therefore has a historical and political-economic, as well as an institutional focus.
AP/GLBL 3521 3.00
A Polity in Faux
This course examines the processes and policies of European integration. It pays particular attention to the advantages of closer integration on the European continent while also considering the difficulties of governing a multi-level and multi-national ...
AP/GLBL 3540 3.00
American Government and Politics
This course analyzes the American political system through an examination of recent political events. Attention is given to the composition of the socio-political elite, the nature of mass influence in public policies, and the operation ...
AP/GLBL 3545 3.00
Freedom and Inequality: An American Dilemma
This course explores the impact of the institutionalized ideal of freedom on America's political economy. Also discussed are: unequal access to democratic institutions; the welfare system; global responsibility for freedom; and political repression and the ...
AP/GLBL 3550 3.00
Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Central America
This course explores the impact of the institutionalized ideal of freedom on America's political economy. Also discussed are: unequal access to democratic institutions; the welfare system; global responsibility for freedom; and political repression and the ...
AP/GLBL 3553 3.00
Poltical Economy of Latin America and Caribbean
This course examines the history and political economy of the Americas using case studies from both the English and Spanish speaking Caribbean countries as well as Latin America, to highlight the forces that have shaped ...
AP/GLBL 3555 3.00
Dictatorship and Democratization in South America
We examine post-World War II experiences of dictatorship and democratization in South America. We discuss regional trends and specific countries (such as Brazil, Chile and Peru) from a political economy perspective, including class relations, popular ...
AP/GLBL 3560 6.00
The Global South: Politics, Policy & Development
The course examines the various dimensions of the Global South, with emphasis on political-economy and development. It examines the similarities and differences between various local experiences in the Global South and explores their contemporary dynamic ...
AP/GLBL 3570 3.00
Africa: The Politics of Continental CRISIS
This course examines the processes -- globalization, war and democratization, among others -- crucial to prospects for political, social and economic development in Africa. The Congo, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South ...
AP/GLBL 3580 6.00
South Korea: The Politics of Youth and Old Age
This Study Abroad course focuses on the politics of youth and old age in South Korea. The theme of the course is that an ageing population impacts youth as much as the elderly. As such, ...
AP/GLBL 3591 3.00
Political Economy of Asia and Pacific
The course studies the political and economic changes in the region of Asia and the Pacific and their implications for the global capitalist system. Interactions between the state, capital, classes, and gender are discussed.
AP/GLBL 3900 3.00
Local to Global: City and Nation in the Age of Globalization
This course examines political experience in the era of "globalization." Issues covered include work in the global city; immigration and racism; culture and media; women and the international division of labour; and environmental sustainability. (Designed ...
AP/GLBL 4000 6.00
Global Political Studies Honours Colloquium
Formerly POLS 4985 6.00 The colloquium is the global studies Honours BA seminar. The seminar meets on a weekly basis to discuss assigned readings about current issues and debates in global studies. Degree credit exclusions: ...
AP/GLBL 4200 6.00
International Relations Theory
This course examines some of the major contending theories of global politics. The first term will focus on the development of the mainstream approaches to the discipline in the English speaking world. This will include ...
AP/GLBL 4205 3.00
New German Politics and European Integration
This course analyzes Germany's domestic and foreign policies in the wake of German Unification and in the context of the end of the Cold War. After reviewing the historical background of the "German Question", the ...
AP/GLBL 4210 3.00
Peace Research
This course is to examine the rationale, assumptions, and key issues of Peace Research, focusing on the possible contributions which peace research can bring to the understanding and processes of social change. The course examines ...
AP/GLBL 4215 3.00
This course explores the institutions and practices of global and regional cooperation, with a particular emphasis on the forces shaping multilateralism (e.g. states, cultures, social movements) and the way multilateralism can influence global structural change.
AP/GLBL 4220 3.00
Canadian International Security Policy: Issues and Problems
An analysis of contemporary issues and problems in Canadian national security policy.
AP/GLBL 4225 3.00
Canada and the Americas
The course assesses the dynamics and implications of Canada's recent emergence as an active member of the inter-American system. Intensive readings and debate will deal with such major issue areas as the NAFTA and FTAA, ...
AP/GLBL 4230 3.00
Canadian Defense Policy
This course examines the issues, and the interests, involved in the making of Canadian defence policy with a particular emphasis upon the transition from the cold war to the post-cold war decision-making milieu. Accordingly, the ...
AP/GLBL 4240 6.00
Nationalism and Citizenship
Analyzes ideologies of nationalism and comparatively examines their role in state formation, especially in citizenship and immigration policies. Further examines the formation of interlocking identities of nation, ethnicity, 'race', gender and class on practices of ...
AP/GLBL 4245 3.00
Gender and International Relations
This course explores both the theoretical and empirical issues raised by the introduction of a consideration of "gender" in international relations. Issues covered include: gender and the environment, militarism, human rights, international political economy, and ...
AP/GLBL 4250 3.00
Canadian Foreign Policy
This seminar is devoted to an examination of Canadian foreign policy. The course focuses on the determinants of government decision-making, comparing case studies of some key decisions to the foreign policy theoretical literature. Of special ...
AP/GLBL 4255 6.00
Issues in International Human Rights
This survey course facilitates active student participation in the examination of classical and contemporary debates on the history, legitimacy, forms of application and limits of application of the critical knowledge of the working mechanisms (strengths ...
AP/GLBL 4257 3.00
The International Protection of Human Rights
This course examines diverse approaches to understanding the international protection of human rights. Issues discussed include the United Nations human rights system, the role of human rights treaties, and other mechanisms for good governance and ...
AP/GLBL 4260 3.00
Contemporary Security Studies
The course examines the understandings of international security which are being produced in the contemporary world. There is an extremely lively debate in security studies about the nature of security and how it can and ...
AP/GLBL 4261 3.00
Security, Capitalism, Ecology
Analyses how the development and contradictions of global capitalism affect human security, basic conditions of existence, forms of livelihood and social and ecological sustainability. Interrogates concepts such as: human security, capital, commodity, commons, primitive accumulation, ...
AP/GLBL 4262 3.00
Gun Politics
In this course students draw on their past study of the themes of violence and security, and consider how issues related to weapons affect their lives beyond the university, as members of democratic societies.
AP/GLBL 4265 3.00
Human Rights and Democracy in Asia
The course examines the international politics of human rights and democracy in East, Southeast and South Asia as a window on debates over the nature, universality, purposes and limitations of international human rights norms. It ...
AP/GLBL 4270 3.00
United States Foreign Policy
Intensive readings will examine the post-cold war evolution of US foreign policy. The overall purpose of the seminar is to compare and assess alternative analytic approaches regarding the formulation and implementation of US foreign policy ...
AP/GLBL 4275 3.00
Politics of Security and Intelligence
An examination of the nature of security and intelligence and its effect on policy-making. Among topics studied are disinformation, counter-intelligence strategies, internal security mechanisms, accountability, and the relation between security and intelligence, democracy and peace.
AP/GLBL 4280 6.00
Russia in World affairs
This seminar explores the roles Russia has played in international affairs since World War I to the present. The political, military, economic, social and ideological factors which have shaped Soviet foreign policy from Lenin to ...
AP/GLBL 4285 3.00
The International Political Economy of Eastern Asia
This seminar examines the changing dynamics of political, economic and security relations in and among the countries of Eastern Asia.
AP/GLBL 4287 3.00
Global Political Economy and the Making of World Orders
Reviews some of the historical development and central theoretical debates and literature in Global Political Economy and International Relations that relate to the making/remaking of world orders. Critically discusses key works and thinkers as well ...
AP/GLBL 4290 3.00
Topics in International Political Economy
An examination of the actors, processes and issues involved in the politics of international economic relations.
AP/GLBL 4291 3.00
Capital and Power in Global Political Economy
The seminar focuses on the connection between capital and power in international political economy. The changing interaction between capital, labour, states and other social groups is examined analytically and historically, with particular attention to the ...
AP/GLBL 4292 6.00
Polititcal Economy of Capital Accumulation
The course examines capital as the central power institution of capitalism. It traces the evolution of accumulation from conceptual, historical and empirical perspectives, while helping students develop their ability to engage in independent research.
AP/GLBL 4293 3.00
Patterns and Problems of Globalization
This course examines diverse approaches to understanding the political, economic and social challenges of globalization. Issues discussed include the growing urbanization of the world, the rise of disaster capitalism, and the human organ trade.
AP/GLBL 4294 3.00
Power, Governance and Resistance in the Global Political Economy
Addresses central issues of power, governance and resistance in the global political economy, including potential future alternatives -- in light of the changing relations between rulers and ruled. It will discuss selected issues including: market ...
AP/GLBL 4295 3.00
Polititcal Economy of Global Finance
The course examines the functioning and broader ramifications of global finance. Discussion is organized around several key themes, including: (1) Concepts and building blocks: what are financial markets, who are the players and why are ...
AP/GLBL 4296 3.00
Gender and Participatory Budgeting
The course analyzes the public purse from the perspective of gender-responsive and participatory budgeting. Both approaches to the theory and practice of public finance are recent global civil society initiatives meant to scrutinize public budgets ...
AP/GLBL 4401 3.00
Systems of Justice
An overview of procedures in the Canadian justice system, with comparisons to other common law justice systems and some civil law systems. The course begins with a study of civil and criminal procedure, and then ...
AP/GLBL 4402 3.00
Protest Movements and Democracy
This seminar surveys the critical understandings of democracy articulated by several mass protest movements throughout the world, including populism; women's movements; labour activism; and the politics of difference. We explore democracy as a contested concept ...
AP/GLBL 4403 3.00
Economic Unions and Globalization
This course explores how economic globalization fosters the tendency to form regional sub-global economic and political entities. Topics include an analysis of the trajectories of a number of economic unions like the EU, NAFTA, Mercosur ...
AP/GLBL 4404 3.00
Neoliberal Urbanism
This course examines, first, the origins and historical development of neoliberalism as a political ideology of municipal governments, and, second, the impacts of the implementation of neoliberal policies on social/political/ cultural relations in contemporary cities. ...
AP/GLBL 4406 3.00
The Politics of Work and Industry
An analysis of the ability of capitalist economic and political institutions to restructure and project themselves anew, including more flexible forms of production and new political alliances. The historical forces which have shaped the politics ...
AP/GLBL 4410 3.00
Social Justice and Polititcal Activists
This seminar surveys alternative philosophical terrains for discussing social justice and past approaches to constructing a better world. Its main focus is social justice in modern capitalism - not just as a matter of alternative ...
AP/GLBL 4420 3.00
People Power and Colour Revolutions: Achieving Democracy in Authoritarian Societies
Are the recent color and flower revolutions a new form of democratic political change in authoritarian societies? How do authoritarian governments respond to the threat of civil society and people power? Can we expect more ...
AP/GLBL 4422 3.00
Contemporary Iran: From Revolution to Dissent
This course explores contemporary Iran, and addresses questions regarding the relationship between the state and civil society, causes of regime change and the rise of Islamic theocracy. It has three interrelated goals: 1) develop familiarity ...
AP/GLBL 4430 6.00
Colonialism and Development
A comparative introduction, at the more advanced level, to social struggle and change in countries subject to colonial domination, with particular attention to cultural issues and to forms of contestation involving 'race' and racism, sexuality ...
AP/GLBL 4440 3.00
Global Governance & Politics in Comparative Perspective
The global order is undergoing fundamental changes, giving rise to increasingly complex problems of international organization and global governance - including international economic inequality and instability, conflict and peace-building, global environmental change, international development assistance, ...
AP/GLBL 4450 3.00
Political Economy and Political Powers
Offers a critical understanding of political power. It discusses the meaning and origin of power, its intertwining with the social division of labor, its relationship to economic and ideological power. Further, the course offers a ...
AP/GLBL 4470 3.00
Working Class Politics in Capitalist Democracies
This seminar examines how working classes have been changed by such factors as international migration, women's increased participation in the labour force, global competitiveness and structural unemployment, and asks how effectively trade unions, political parties ...
AP/GLBL 4480 3.00
India in the 21st Century
The course explores 21st century India, its spectacular growth, its staggering inequalities and its struggles for justice. How does economic growth affect the substance of democracy? How should deeply unequal democracies negotiate competing visions of ...
AP/GLBL 4490 3.00
Inequality, Development and the Global South
This seminar examines diverse approaches to understanding the challenges, political and economic, that confront "the South" within the global capitalist system, emphasizing issues of "underdevelopment", poverty and resistance, and making comparisons between diverse states, movements ...
AP/GLBL 4510 3.00
Advanced Topics in Chinese Polititcs
This course allows students to examine advanced topics in the politics of contemporary China and compare competing social science research methods for field investigation. The course is organized according to two major topics in Chinese ...
AP/GLBL 4517 3.00
Debates in Contemporary European Union Politics
This course assumes students have a basic knowledge of the EU and its institutions. The course considers how multi-level structures of governance and multiple actors are involved in compromise, negotiation and policy making in Europe. ...
AP/GLBL 4520 3.00
Nationalism , Communism and Imperialism
A study of the development of nations under communist governments in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The course examines conflicts and interactions between communist and nationalist ideas, the social, economic and political sources of ...
AP/GLBL 4541 3.00
Human Rights in Europe and Canada
This course examines the European Human Rights Convention system in Strasbourg and its political significance in Europe, with a focus on the work of the European Commission and European Courts of Human Rights in the ...
AP/GLBL 4545 3.00
Approaches to American Politics
This seminar introduces participants to broad and encompassing interpretations of American politics. We critically examine conflicting arguments about the character, contents, driving forces, and boundaries of political debate and public policy in the United States. ...
AP/GLBL 4546 3.00
Politics, Society and Democracy in the United States
This seminar explores the disjunction between U.S. democratic ideals and practices within their politicaleconomic context. We scrutinize social, economic, and ethnic inequalities in light of the strong symbolism provided by the U.S. constitution and democratic ...
AP/GLBL 4555 3.00
Latin American Development
An examination of the processes and issues connected with development in Latin America including the impact of political economy on culture and on women.
AP/GLBL 4561 3.00
The Making of the Modern Middle East
This course prepares students to work in Middle Eastern Studies with an emphasis on political debates. We examine the history of state building, regional issues, nationalism, ideological trends, political movements and political parties in the ...
AP/GLBL 4575 3.00
The Politics of Southern Africa
This course examines South Africa's racial capitalist system and resistance to it – focusing on the present transition to a more equitable political and economic system; it also explores the current situation in other southern ...
AP/GLBL 4576 3.00
Civil Society and the State in Africa
This course examines contemporary civil society-State relations in sub-Saharan Africa. It considers the role of domestic and regional social forces in these relations in the context of social policy-making by national governments and international political ...
AP/GLBL 4590 3.00
Political Development in South Asia
The course explores the various dimensions of South Asian political development, with emphasis on political economy and development issues. It examines the similarities and differences between South Asian nations and explores their contemporary dynamic in ...
AP/GLBL 4595 3.00
Asia in the New Global Order
Using Southeast Asia as its focus, this course ad- dresses questions relating to economic development, political change and regional security in the emerging global order. It stimulates interest in politics and international relations of developing ...