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Law and Politics

Certificate in Public Administration & Law

This professional certificate is aimed at individuals who wish to combine knowledge of public administration and law with expertise in another area demonstrated through the achievement of at least an undergraduate degree.

Certificate in Law & Society

Give your degree a current degree a law & society flavour. In this program, you will explore different approaches to law, acquire critical skills for socio-legal study and research and understand how law operates in our daily lives.

Certificate in Anti-Racist Research & Practice

Learn to challenge systemic and institutional racism by discussing topics that deal with racial issues in the workplace, schools, health care, immigration, law enforcement, media and the expressive arts.

Certificate in Public Policy Analysis

This certificate is for you if you're interested in public policy analysis and want your academic record to reflect a public policy analysis emphasis. Upon completing the certificate, you will be ready to analyze public policies in light of the role of government in civil society.

Political Science

Explore the actions of governments, judicial systems and political parties while discovering movements in society and in the power relations of everyday life. This program is designed to develop a student’s political analysis ability, critical skills and democratic awareness.

Law & Society

Sharpen your research and analytical skills in fields as varied as philosophy, anthropology and criminology as you pursue the knowledge of the law, how it has impacted the course of history and the role it plays in today’s society.

Human Rights & Equity Studies

This program explores the ethical principles of human rights as well as the roots and impact of human rights violations and efforts of remedy. Discover the foundational concepts behind human rights and examine what constitutes rights violations.

Global Political Studies

Gain the skills required to analyze the governance of global forces, and evaluate responses to tough questions in today’s global landscape. This program focuses on the political community; issues of diversity and inequality; the nature of security, peace and violence; and major transformations in global, regional and domestic politics.


Discover how the study of crime and its control intersects with social life and connects to the pursuit of justice. This program focuses not only on crime and criminal justice, but also on processes of criminalization and social regulation.

Public Administration

This program aims to provide students with “education for good governance.” With a strong emphasis on social justice, public ethics and commitment to democratic values, students in the Public Administration program take courses from a mix of disciplines. Develop critical thinking, analytical capabilities and management skills.