By choosing the Undeclared Major program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, you can explore areas that interest you before you decide on a major. Taking courses from a variety of disciplines will help you uncover your passions and strengths. You'll also have the chance to meet other students with different ideas and interests to spark your imagination.
While you reflect on this important decision, the following resources and support services are available to you.

Academic Advising for Undeclared Majors
If you have any concerns about university life, or if you require information about resources, degree requirements for specific programs, e.g. pre-requisites, GPA, etc., Academic Advising Services at LA&PS can assist you.

New Student Academic Advising
If you are a new student that has received an offer of admission but have not begun your first term of classes, please visit our new students webpage to find the information you need for enrolment and next steps.

YU Explore Program
The YU Explore Program is designed to help Undeclared Majors successfully complete their first year at York. Through events, workshops and peer-to-peer mentorship, YU Explore aims to provide academic and social support to help students achieve their academic goals and declare a major.

Career Centre
Explore careers, learn about co-ops and attend professional workshops available to York students.

Online Academic Calendar
Struggling to decide on courses? Need to increase your GPA? Missing prerequisites? Explore the York University Undergraduate Calendar for guidance in your academic journey.