Canada is known for its inclusivity of sexual minorities. However, recent surveys have shown that the Canadian workforce is not as inclusive as people would expect, and little is known in organization studies about 2SLGBTQ+ (two-spirited, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning) employees’ work experiences in this country. Advocacy organizations, such as Pride at Work Canada (PaWC, the partner organization of this research), face significant challenges in increasing awareness of workplace discrimination and helping 2SLGBTQ+ employees overcome the detrimental effects of workplace discrimination on their wellbeing. This project directly addresses these challenges, with one major goal of providing systematic empirical evidence to PaWC and helping it develop actionable items to promote workplace diversity and to help 2SLGBTQ+ individuals to overcome workplace discrimination.

Research Objectives
Objective 1
Fill the knowledge gap in the 2SLGBTQ+ literature by providing initial empirical evidence on 2SLGBTQ+ employees’ workplace experiences in Canada and unpacking various discriminatory policies and behaviours on the basis of sexual orientation and identity (i.e., overt and subtle discrimination
Objective 3
Explore strategies (i.e., using networks) that 2SLGBTQ+ employees use to cope with workplace discrimination.
Objective 2
Deepen understanding of the factors that can impact 2SLGBTQ+ employees’ perceptions of such discriminatory policies and behaviors