New Research Assistant - Christine Cooling

Christine Rose Cooling has joined the team as a Research Assistant, who will be conducting focus groups. Christine Rose Cooling is a Master’s student in the Joint Communication & Culture Program with York University and Toronto Metropolitan University. Her research areas include Canadian broadcasting history and the relationship between contemporary Canadian broadcasting policy, nationalism, and governing Canadian culture and identities. She is currently completing a SSHRC-funded thesis with the working title, “Requiem for a Century? Canadian Broadcasting Policy, Online Streaming Service Regulation, and Cultural Sovereignty in the Digital Age.” She recently published work in the Journal of Radio & Audio Media as a co-author with Dr. Anne F. MacLennan, “The Impact of the British Broadcasting Corporation on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.” She was also awarded the Governor General’s Silver Medal for academic excellence in 2023 and the Odessa Prize for the Study of Canada in 2023 for her undergraduate thesis entitled, “Reimagining Broadcasting Policy in a Networked Canada: Debating Digital Sovereignty and Democratic Freedom” at York University, BA Hons. Communication & Media Studies. Christine would love to continue her studies at the Doctoral level and pursue a future career in academia.