Any publications by our team members that are in relation to Interrogating Canadian Identities / Les identitiés canadiennes -- une interrogation (ICI) will be available here to view. We are very proud of our team and wish to share their publications with those interested!
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Moviegoing in Stereoscope: Film Advertising in Diasporic Communities in Urban Canada
In Chapter 9, Moviegoing in Stereoscope: Film Advertising in Diasporic Communities in Urban Canada, of The Handbook of Ethnic Media in Canada by Daniel Ahadi, Sherry S. Yu, and Ahmed Al-Rawi, Paul S. Moore and Jessica Whitehead analyze how film advertisements are shown throughout diasporic communities in urban Canada.
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Podcasting Marginalized History: Historica Canada’s World War Podcast Narratives and their Audio Archival Considerations
Anne F. MacLennan, Jeffrey Donison
'The Girl Friend in Canada': Ray Lewis and the Canadian Moving Picture Digest, 1915-1957 (Book Chapter)
Jessica Leonora Whitehead, Louis Pelletier, Paul S. Moore
Canadian Community/Campus Radio: Struggling and Coping on the Cusp of Change (Book Chapter)
Anne F. MacLennan
The Radio Jamaica and Gleaner Co Merger: Lessons for the Media-development Nexus and Safeguarding Pluralism and Community Radio in Small Societies
Tyrone Christopher Hall
Televising History: Canadian History Documentaries and Docudramas on the CBC (Book Review)
Anne F. MacLennan
Comparison of Canadian Urban and Small-town Exhibition Practices 1914-1929
Jessica Leonora Whitehead
Nova Scotia Needs Doctors: How Do We Attract and Keep Them?
C Seonaid Macneill, Felix Odartey-Wellington, Leslie J Wardley
What does the notion of “sovereignty” mean when referring to the digital?
Sophie Toupin, Stéphane Couture
Design nationalism, technological pragmatism and the performance of Canadian-ness: The case of the Contempra telephone
Jan Hadlaw
Canada before Television: Radio, Taste, and the Struggle for Cultural Democracy (Book Review)
Anne F. MacLennan