Any publications by our team members that are in relation to Interrogating Canadian Identities / Les identitiés canadiennes -- une interrogation (ICI) will be available here to view. We are very proud of our team and wish to share their publications with those interested!
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Moviegoing in Stereoscope: Film Advertising in Diasporic Communities in Urban Canada
In Chapter 9, Moviegoing in Stereoscope: Film Advertising in Diasporic Communities in Urban Canada, of The Handbook of Ethnic Media in Canada by Daniel Ahadi, Sherry S. Yu, and Ahmed Al-Rawi, Paul S. Moore and Jessica Whitehead analyze how film advertisements are shown throughout diasporic communities in urban Canada.
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Comparative electoral hortatory language 1993-1994: Jean Chretien and Silvo Berlusconi
Andrew Alexander Monti
Old Media, New Media, Intermedia: The Toronto Star and CFCA, 1922–1933 (Book Chapter)
Paul S. Moore, Sandra Gabriele
Reading Radio: The Intersection between Radio and Newspaper for the Canadian Radio Listener in the 1930s (Book Chapter)
Anne F. MacLennan
Mapping the Mass Circulation of Early Cinema: Film Debuts Coast-to-Coast in Canada in 1896 and 1897
Paul S. Moore
Cultural Imperialism of the North? The Expansion of CBC’s Northern Service and Community Radio
Anne F. MacLennan
World on a Maple Leaf: A Treasury of Canadian Multicultural Follktales
Asma Sayed, Nayanika Kumar
L'action communautaire québécoise à l'ère du numérique
Julien Rueff, Serge Proulx, Stéphane Couture
Resistance to Regulation: Early Canadian Broadcaster and Listeners (Book Chapter)
Anne F. MacLennan