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LA&PS Research to Impact Workshop Series

Many academics recognize the importance and potential impact of their work but lack the time or resources to convey it to the right audience and funders. The LA&PS Research to Impact Workshop Series is designed to assist researchers in identifying ways to maximize the impact of their work through:

• Facilitating the grant application process;
• Improving grant application success rates;
• Identifying and building capacity around KM tools and;
• Increasing awareness about York and LA&PS available services, resources, and supports.

This workshop series is organized by the LA&PS Research Office. It is designed for LA&PS faculty members, emerging and established scholars and researchers but is open to all York community.

Featured Event

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Confronting Online Hate and Harassment of Academic Researchers

Abuse directed at researchers seeking to promote or discuss their work in online forums is widespread and growing. Disproportionately, this abuse targets female, racialized, trans and other marginalized researchers across academic disciplines. The effects of this abuse – which includes criminal conduct – can be profoundly damaging to the research programs, the confidence, and the wellbeing and sense of safety of affected scholars. This LA&PS workshop draws on the insights and efforts of our researchers including our graduate students, who have been thinking how we should respond to this phenomenon. 

Past Events

2024 LA&PS SSHRC Partnership Development Grants Information Session | May 22, 2024
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This session features an overview of the competition, guidance on strategies for developing competitive proposals, and a panel discussion with faculty members who have served on merit review committees and developed successful PDG applications. The session also outlines resources available from LA&PS and from across York to strengthen applications and support research plans.

Research Commons & LA&PS Insight Grant Information Session | May 15, 2024
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This session includes an overview of the grant from the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Research Support office, as well as tips and tricks from researchers who developed successful IG applications and have chaired review committees.

2023 LA&PS Insight Development Grants (IDG) Information Session | December 6, 2023
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The session features an overview of the competition, guidance on strategies for developing competitive proposals, and a panel discussion with faculty members who have developed successful IDG applications and served on IDG review committees. The session also outlined resources available from LA&PS and from across York to strengthen applications and support research plans.

Research to Impact: EDI in Grant Writing | June 22, 2022
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It is getting increasingly crucial to understand and apply Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) principles in grant applications. How do you ensure that your proposals and applications have strong and meaningful EDI orientations? In this workshop hosted by the LA&PS Research Office in collaboration with Research Commons, a team of expert speakers will take you through good practices and useful strategies in integrating EDI principles for successful grant applications.

Research to Impact: Web-based tools for Research Collaboration and Mobilization | April 13, 2022
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Websites are a powerful knowledge mobilization tool that require time, cost, skills and commitment. Above all, it requires innovation and a strategic direction to create meaningful contribution and engagement with the targeted audience.

In this workshop, the eServices Office (eSO) will walk us through questions researchers should ask to determine if a website is a suitable Knowledge Mobilization tool for their project and what other alternatives they might have.

Research to Impact: Publishing in The Conversation Canada | March 8, 2022
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Increasingly researchers are expanding the reach of their research and audience beyond academia. Influencing policy and practice through writing OpEds is a growing medium for achieving research impact. This workshop with The Conversation Canada Editor-in-Chief Scott White was about how to get published in this rigorous and increasingly indispensable media resource.

Research to Impact: Leveraging Earned Media | February 10, 2022
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More faculty members are becoming comfortable interacting with media and stepping into the public arena. Learning about how to initiate contact and build relationship with media channels is thus becoming very relevant. This workshop invited experts from York Media Relations team to share tips about navigating and leveraging earned media.

Panelists included Barbara Joy, Chief Spokesperson & Director, Media Relations and External Communication, Kayla Lewis, News Manager & Deputy Spokesperson, Media Relations and External Communications and peer speaker Thomas Klassen, Professor, School of Public Policy and Administration, LA&PS.