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Deferred Exam Requests

If you are unable to write a final exam at the scheduled time - due to illness, a personal or family emergency, or religious commitment - you can ask to write the final exam at a later date, as arranged by the main office for ADMS and DEMS courses. Depending on the circumstances, you may be asked to provide supporting documentation. 

Your request must be received by the office within 7 days of the date of the final examination for which you are asking for a deferred standing.

For Winter 2025 the Deferred Exams will be held May 16 - 18, 2025

Please note that a new system has been implemented to facilitate the processing of Deferred Standing Agreement Forms.

To request a deferral of your final exam in ADMS or DEMS, follow the steps below. If you do not see your course code listed, please contact the department where your course is offered.

  1. Download and complete the Final Exam / Assignment Deferred Standing Agreement (DSA) form.
  2. Gather any relevant supporting documentation, scan them, and keep the paper copies for your records. Health issues will require an Attending Physician's Statement (APS Form).
  3. Log in to the Deferred Exam Request system using your Passport York and complete the online form.
  4. Upon completion of the online form, the system will issue a ticket number. Record the number at the TOP RIGHT corner of your DSA Form you’ve completed in Step 1.;
  5. Submit the completed form and scanned supporting documentation to the School of Administrative Studies by emailing to request approval for deferred standing. Please ensure to keep a copy for yourself.
  6. Log in to the online system to check the status of your request as well as the location, date and time of the exam.
  7. 48 hours before the scheduled exam check the School of Administrative Studies DSA system to confirm the location, time and date of your deferred exam. We also encourage you to check the DSA system again on the day of your exam for any last-minute changes.