Students in the School of Administrative Studies are eligible for a number of awards, bursaries and scholarships both within the school and with the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. From supporting those with financial need, to celebrating academic achievement and community engagement, we are committed to recognizing the unique ways in which you contribute to university life.
There are many awards in the school that are based on academic standing, financial need, or in recognition of your hard work.
School Awards & Bursaries
Aisha Khalid Scholarship for Academic Excellence in Commerce
Commerce students eligible
The Aisha Khalid Scholarship for Academic Excellence in Commerce will be awarded to a female international student who has achieved the highest GPA at the end of first year (30 credits) in the Bachelor of Commerce program. Aisha Khalid (BCom '05) received multiple scholarship and awards while she was a student at York University. She has established this scholarship with gratitude and in recognition of the donors and York University for their support.
Atkinson Student's Association International Award
Commerce students eligible
The Atkinson Students' Association International Award will be given to an international student (requires a Study Permit) enrolled in commerce (formerly administrative studies), human resource management, information technology or a student enrolled in less than 18 credits. Preference will be given to a student who has demonstrated commitment to the community or student life and has achieved a minimum GPA of 6.00 (B).
BCom Gold Prize in Finance
Finance students eligible
The Gold Prize in Finance will be awarded to the graduating student with the highest Major GPA in the undergraduate BCom Honours program. The prize will be awarded at the June convocation and will consider all undergraduate BCom graduates from the October, February and June convocation cycles.
BCom Silver Prize in Finance
Finance students eligible
The Silver Prize in Finance will be awarded to the graduating student with the second highest Major GPA in the undergraduate BCom Honours program. The prize will be awarded at the June convocation and will consider all undergraduate BCom graduates from the October, February and June convocation cycles.
Chris Robinson Prize in Personal Finance
Finance students eligible
The Chris Robinson Prize in Personal Finance will be awarded to the graduating BCom Finance student with the highest GPA in the courses which make up the required core curriculum in personal finance as certified by FP Canada: AP/ADMS3520,AP/ADMS3531, AP/ADMS3541, AP/ADMS4505,AP/ADMS 4506, AP/ADMS4507 and AP/ADMS 4508.
CIBPA/Lucy Iacovelli Student Aspiration Award in Commerce
Commerce students eligible
The CIBPA/Lucy Iacovelli Student Aspiration Award in Commerce was created to benefit a third year undergraduate student enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, who demonstrates financial need and had the greatest increase in GPA between their first and second year of study. If there is more than one suitable candidate, then the award will be granted to the applicant who demonstrates the greatest financial need. A new award recipient will be selected every other year.
DEM Academic Achievement Award
Disaster & Emergency Management students eligible
Two annual awards granted to the undergraduate and graduate student with the highest overall GPA in the graduating class.
DEM Ambassador Award
Disaster & Emergency Management students eligible
Two annual awards granted to one undergraduate and one graduate student who have demonstrated outstanding contribution and student leadership in the area.
DEM Research Award
Disaster & Emergency Management students eligible
Awarded on a case-by-case basis to graduate students who produced a Major Research Paper demonstrating advanced analytical thinking and research skills.
Eugene H. Zimmerman Memorial Prize
Commerce students eligible
This prize will be awarded to the student who has the best academic performance in a fourth year Commerce course (formerly administrative studies) offered during the fall/winter session. This prize was established to honour the late Eugene H. Zimmerman who served as an adjunct professor within the School of Administrative Studies, where he lectured and contributed to the development of that School's academic program.
HSBC Bank Canada Scholarship in Administrative Studies
All Commerce students eligible
Through the generous donation from the HSBC Bank Canada, this scholarship was established to recognize the top student in the Commerce program (formerly the Administrative Studies program). The eligible student will have completed the first 90 credits in Commerce and have achieved the highest academic standing.
John A. Sheran Memorial Scholarship
Commerce students eligible
Awarded to a Commerce student (formerly Administrative Studies) who has completed at least 60 credits at York and who holds the highest overall average, provided it is not less than 7.00 (B+). A student may only receive this scholarship once. Established in memory of John Andrew Sheran (Honours BA, 1981), who died on October 7, 1988. He was an active Atkinson student (ASA executive including President) and graduate (Atkinson College Alumni Association) and was a strong supporter of providing a top-quality university education for part-time and mature students.
Mildred Theobalds Prize in Marketing
This annual prize is awarded to an undergraduate student with the highest mark in an Introductory Marketing course offered by the School of Administrative Studies. The prize was established in honour of Mildred Theobalds, long-time coordinator of the York University License Program.
Nivedita & Nandita Bursary
Disaster & Emergency Management students eligible
Awarded to an eligible undergraduate student majoring in Disaster & Emergency Management based on financial need.
Obodai Sai Entrance Award in Commerce
Commerce students eligible
The Obodai Sai Entrance Award in Commerce recognizes incoming first year undergraduate students who identify as Black for their leadership and academic performance in high school. This award will benefit Black students entering the Bachelor of Commerce program within the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. To be eligible, applicants must have a minimum average of 70% and demonstrate financial need. They must also submit a 500-word statement outlining their leadership experience in high school.
University Women's Club North York Award in the School of Administrative Studies
The University Women's Club North York Award in the School of Administrative Studies will benefit a female student enrolled in a program offered by the School of Administrative Studies within the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Applicants must have completed at least one year of study, maintained a minimum GPA of 6.0, demonstrate financial need, and submit a one-page statement summarizing their participation in extra-curricular activities and/ or the community at large, and outlining how they hope to contribute to Business in Canada after graduation. The University Women's Club of North York is a thriving club founded in 1951. UWCNY has over 200 members who represent a wide variety of interests, disciplines and professional achievements. Their club aims to advocate for the improvement of the status of women, early learning and childcare, and to raise funds for local, national and international charities and women's scholarships.
Victor Mackinnon Award
Commerce students eligible
Awarded to a Commerce student (formerly administrative studies) who has completed at least 48 credits, including at least one course reflecting work and involvement in administrative, constitutional and comparative law, public administration, social, political and economic thought, with a grade of at least B+ (7.00) in each course; and holds the highest cumulative grade point average among the qualified candidates. Recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person and an Ontario resident who demonstrate financial need. Established to honour Professor Victor S. MacKinnon's retirement. A teacher and distinguished author, Professor MacKinnon made an impact on a number of areas of scholarly and intellectual life in Canada and internationally.

Looking for more?
The Faculty of LA&PS also provides a number of scholarships, awards and bursaries. Fill our your Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) Application today.