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SHRM professors co-author article published in Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations journal

SHRM professors co-author article published in Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations journal

SHRM PhD alumnus and professor Mahbub Alam co-authored an article in the Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations journal with SHRM professors Parbudyal Singh and Kelly Pike. The journal is a bilingual quarterly review published by the Industrial Relations Department at Université Laval.

In the article, titled, “The Post-Rana Plaza Regime: Multi-level labour regulation in Bangladesh’s RMG sector”, Alam, Singh and Pike presented a qualitative analysis of the experience of multi-level labour regulation in Bangladesh’s ready-made garments (RMG) sector after the deadly disaster of Rana Plaza collapse.

Their work contributes to the debate among policy makers and scholars over how best to improve workers’ safety and rights in globally dispersed production networks.