Learn more about the staff members of the School of Human Resource Management, their positions and how to contact them.
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Name | Location | Phone Number | Email Address |
Marie-Hélène Budworth Director | 150L Atkinson College | 416-736-2100 x22867 | budworth@yorku.ca |
Mary Jo Ducharme Undergraduate Program Director | 044C Atkinson College | 416-736-2100 x33817 | updhrm@yorku.ca |
Mark Podolsky Graduate Program Director | 150Q Atkinson College | 416-736-2100 x22198 | podolsky@yorku.ca |
Tanya Cora Student Success and Academic Advisor | 150S Atkinson College | 416-736-2100 x30096 | tcora@yorku.ca |
Alberta Chamale Graduate Program Administrator | 150U Atkinson College | 416-736-2100 x30095 | gradhrm@yorku.ca |
Monisha Pathak Undergraduate Program Assistant | 150 Atkinson College | 416-736-5806 | lapsshrm@yorku.ca |
Sabrina Iantorno Undergraduate Program Administrator | 150U Atkinson College | 416-736-2100 x33670 | sian@yorku.ca |
Laura Colabufo Administrative Coordinator | 150C Atkinson College | 416-736-2100 x30098 | laurac@yorku.ca |