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Prof. Souha Ezzedeen featured in articles on return-to-work concerns

SHRM Associate Professor Souha Ezzedeen was featured in an article for the Toronto Star, “Friction over the return to work is settling on a hated aspect of office life: getting there”, where she discussed how evolving aspects of work, including commuting, can be seen as a “Great Renegotiation” between employees and employers. “All this amount […]

Network Node hosting Office Hour with Brien Convery

Network Node, a York University program, powered by Ten Thousand Coffees is pleased to welcome Brien Convery, Director Talent Acquisitions and Employee Experience, Aecon Group Inc., for its inaugural Office Hour talk, “Networking for Success” on March 29, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Convery’s talk will equip you with knowledge on how to: […]

SHRM professors co-author article published in Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations journal

SHRM PhD alumnus and professor Mahbub Alam co-authored an article in the Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations journal with SHRM professors Parbudyal Singh and Kelly Pike. The journal is a bilingual quarterly review published by the Industrial Relations Department at Université Laval. In the article, titled, “The Post-Rana Plaza Regime: Multi-level labour regulation in Bangladesh’s RMG sector”, […]

Prof. Souha R. Ezzedeen discusses the potential of results-only workplaces

SHRM Associate Professor Souha R. Ezzedeen, was interviewed in an article for CBC Radio, “Forget 9 to 5. These experts say the time has come for the results-only work environment”, that suggests the pandemic readied the world for HR options in the workplace that give employees more choice. "It is a lot more feasible, possible, […]

Prof. Jelena Zikic discusses how skilled newcomers can maximize job-hunting

SHRM Associate Professor, Jelena Zikic, has co-authored an article in The Conversation discussing how newcomers can continue to grow their careers when the immigrate. Titled, “How skilled newcomers can stave off major career sacrifices when job-seeking”, the article takes a deep dive into common problems immigrants face, including family-life balance and sacrificing career goals to […]

School of HRM students assist in remote working research survey

Six students from the School of Human Resource Management pursuing their third year of PhD, collaborated to conduct interviews for a qualitative research study about the impacts of working remotely in the context of COVID-19 at York University. The students are: Research Survey Objective The objective of the research was to advance understanding of the […]

SHRM research highlights work, labour issues for faculty and staff during pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many workplaces in Canada and around the world closed their facilities and moved employees to working from home. For some workers this was a seamless transition, while for others the shift was more difficult. The COVID Homeworking for University Staff Survey (CHUSS) is a project stemming from an international research collaboration […]

Dr. Duygu Gulseren to join the School of HRM as Assistant Professor

The School of HRM is pleased to announce that Dr. Duygu Gulseren will be joining us on 1 July as an Assistant Professor. Duygu Biricik Gulseren completed her PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Saint Mary's University. Her research is focused on healthy and safe work (e.g., leading healthy workplaces, chronic pain at work, work-life-health interface) […]

Professor Kelly Pike teams up with graduate student to evaluate Better Work program

A collaboration between graduate student Ahsan Ahshanullah and HRM professor Kelly Pike is helping drive improvements for garment industry workers in Asia. In his fourth year of graduate studies, Ahshanullah is wrapping up his academic career at York. About to defend his thesis, his active pursuit of relevant work experience had him reaching out to […]