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Drop-In Support

Visit our team in Founders 034 or drop-in virtually to receive numeracy assistance from one of our Peer Tutors.  Our Peer Tutors strive to assist you with numeracy based LA&PS courses that include math, stats, or software such as JAVA and Excel.

Connect with a Peer Tutor

To receive support from a Peer Tutor, review the schedule below. Join the Zoom call or visit us in Founders 034 during one of the designated time slots.

Please note:

Peer Tutors try to answer all questions, but some inquiries beyond their experience may require them to get back to you.

Peer tutors are unable to answer any questions relating to any graded assessment (quizzes, assignments, exams, etc)

Peer Tutor Specialty Areas

  • John Seo: ADMS 2320 / 2500 / 2510 / 3351 / 3530, STATS, ECON 1000 / 1010 / 1530 / 1540│ Languages: English / Korean
  • Tam Phan: ECON 1000 / 1010 / 1530 / 1540, ADMS 2320 / 2500 / 2510 / 3351 / 3520 / 3530 / 3531 / 3541 / 4504, MATH 1131 │ Languages: English
  • Yahya Ali: ECON 1000 / 1010 / 1530 / 1540 / MATH 1131│ Languages: English / Urdu / Hindi / Punjabi / Japanese
  • Rui Feng: ECON 1000 / 1010 / 1530 / 1540 / 2300 / 2350 / 2400 / 2450 / 2500 / 3210 / 3240 / 3500 / 3530 / 4020, MATH 1021 / 1131 │ Languages: English / Mandarin

Summer 2024 Schedule

Visit our leaders in Founders College 034 or virtually using the SNACK Zoom Link.

1.00 - 5.00 pm

1.00 - 6.00 pm
10.00 - 2.30 pm
3.30 - 5.00 pm

12.00 - 2.00 pm

1.00 - 2.30 pm
3.30 - 6.00 pm
1.00 - 4.00 pm

1.00 - 5.00 pm

1.00 - 6.00 pm


Frequently Asked Questions

What is SNACK?

SNACK stands for "Student Numeracy Assistance Centre at Keele" - SNACK offers a wide variety of support, including FREE drop-in tutoring, online numeracy support resources and workshops designed to assist you in various forms of math at the post-secondary level.

Who are SNACK peer tutors?

Drop-in sessions are led by trained undergraduate students known as SNACK Peer Tutors, who have successfully completed a variety of numeracy related courses. They offer you a comfortable environment to ask questions and learn concepts you may be having difficulty in. Essentially, SNACK Leaders help you learn what – and how – to learn, so you can succeed in your course. Check out our SNACK team to learn more about our SNACK Peer Tutors.

Why join a SNACK session?

SNACK will help you understand those difficult concepts that you may be struggling with. Sessions are free, and you may attend as often as you like.

How do these sessions work?

Drop in to any of our sessions, either in person or online. You can access our sessions by visiting our tutors in Founders 034 or join one of our virtual sessions using the SNACK Zoom Link. One of our amazing peer tutors will be ready to answer any questions you may have from your course material. You will work 1-on-1 with the peer tutor to break down the question, so that you can better understand the concepts and course material.

What can you expect?

  • Student-friendly sessions designed to help you understand difficult concepts
  • Grade improvements: Majority of SNACKS attendants surveyed after the term said that attending SNACK not only helped them better understand course material, but also improved their grade in the course they were seeking help in.
  • High satisfaction: Over 96% of SNACK attendants rated the SNACK drop-in sessions as being "very helpful."
  • Comfortable 1-on-1 setting.

Note: SNACK Peer Tutors are unable to answer any questions relating to any graded assessment (quizzes, assignments, exams, etc)


For more information about our drop-in sessions, contact us at