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Students find Sociology course "life changing"

Students find Sociology course "life changing"

From YFile, 1 November 2016 [see full article here]:

"In his final semester of studies, [Vincenzo] Divito enrolled in an undergraduate sociology course taught by Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Professor Peter Dawson – acourse that left such an impression on him that he wrote to York’s administration.

“I really wish I knew about experiential education in my first year of university,” he said. “I really don’t think students at York know about EE opportunities in general, and I believe it is very, very important to share that message.”

During the course, Dawson provides students with the opportunity to become collectively involved with one of a number of collaborative initiatives from which to choose. Students, for example, have an opportunity to work with community partners such as: a women's shelter to combat violence against women; the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission to educate the public about the residential schools system; a refugee settlement organization and a center whose mandate it is to combat online bullying and child sexual abuse; and, there are other initiatives from which students may choose."