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Sociology faculty receive SSHRC Connections Grants

Sociology faculty receive SSHRC Connections Grants


Two of five York recipients of a SSHRC Connections Grant are Sociology faculty. Congratulations to Professors Beare and Musto!! [Read more]

mbeareDr. Margaret Beare: Revisiting Crimes of the Powerful. This symposium will allow different generations of scholars and students to forge connections within and across disciplinary and national boundaries and deepen the public debate about contemporary corporate crime. International participation will cement Canada’s relevance as a thought leader in the global conversation about capitalism, corporations and crime.


marcelloDr. Marcello Musto: Marx’s Capital After 150 Years (1867-2017). This international conference will offer diverse scholarly perspectives and critical insights into the principal contradictions of contemporary capitalism and, in so doing, point to alternative economic and social models. The organizers will unite several world-renowned sociologists, political theorists and philosophers, from diverse fields and more than 10 countries.