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York Sociology Founder, Professor Anthony Richmond, Remembered

York Sociology Founder, Professor Anthony Richmond, Remembered

From Yfile's, Passings: Professor Emeritus Anthony Richmond remembered for notable contributions to York U, on 19 April 2017:

Anthony (Tony) Richmond, professor emeritus at York University and one of the founders of York’s Department of Sociology, died on March 28 at the age of 91.

After a short spell at the Bristol College of Advanced Technology, he received his PhD from the University of London in 1965, and moved to Toronto with his wife, Freda, and young daughter, Catriona, and became a founding member of York’s Department of Sociology. Shortly afterward, he established the department’s graduate program and served as its first director. He also served as the director of York’s Institute of Behavioural Research (now the Institute of Social Research) from 1979 to 1983. In 1980, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He was active in recruiting the next cohort of young sociologists to the department from Britain, the U.S. and Canada.

At York University, he pursued studies of immigration and immigration policy, ethno-cultural assimilation and the comparative study of immigrant and ethnic communities. He was the author of 10 books and 17 book-length monographs, over two dozen book chapters, more than 60 referred articles, and many other invited papers and commentaries. Richmond was the principal investigator of a number of externally funded major research projects and many minor ones. He was an informed and well-regarded lecturer and graduate supervisor.

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