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Excalibur reviews Dr Ali's "Environmental Management: Critical Thinking and Emerging Practices"

Excalibur reviews Dr Ali's "Environmental Management: Critical Thinking and Emerging Practices"

Check out Excalibur's November 16 review of Professors Harris Ali and Peter Mulvihill's recent book,
Environmental Management: Critical Thinking and Emerging Practices.

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In the Faculty of Environmental Studies (FES), Professors Harris Ali and Peter Mulvihill published Environmental Management: Critical thinking and emerging practices to highlight the increasing ecological crisis, which the authors believe has not been thoroughly explored through a theoretical lens.

“In discussing with Peter, he noted that this gap was partly due to overemphasis on conventional approaches that were rather narrow. We decided to look into the reasons for the lack of innovation and a lack of social and political awareness that really needs to be understood as the context in which environmental management unfolds,” says Ali.

The book critiques the conventional approaches to environmental management practices and delves into alternative and emerging approaches, which has the potential to improve current or outdated ones. [More]