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Social transformations: Our students do sociology and are recognized by the City and Province

Social transformations: Our students do sociology and are recognized by the City and Province


We are delighted to announce the achievements of two of our SOCI students, past and present, recognized for their leadership in the community and tackling challenging social issues.


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Current SOCI student, Adam Lake, centre right, is the recipient of the 2017 Lincoln M. Alexander Award. This Province of Ontario award is given to young people who have shown strong leadership in eliminating racial discrimination. [Read more]



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SOCI and York Sociology MA alumna, Talisha Ramsaroop, right, is a recipient of the 2013 Lincoln M. Alexander Award, and now, she is one of the first recipients of the Pam McConnell Award for Young Women in Leadership. This City of Toronto award recognizes the exceptional leadership of young women in the City of Toronto.



Congratulations to Adam and Talisha, and to all of our students who engage in sociology!! Are you a current or past SOCI student with an important accomplishment to share? Email us at