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Active in vital, ground-breaking research, our faculty members are experts in their respective fields. These dedicated professionals are winning accolades for their scholastic achievements, often in the form of research funding, and are publishing their work in academic journals and books around the world.

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See our leading experts discussing the most pressing global issues. If these videos were helpful, please feel free to reach out for collaboration opportunities.

2 Minutes, 3 Questions with Prof. Christopher Kyriakides

Canada Research Chair in Socially Engaged Research in Race and Racialization discusses language change from “economic migrant” to “refugee” in light of European culture where newcomers are viewed as existential threats.

Marcello Musto on the rise of the radical left in Europe

Sociology professor Marcello Musto on the rise of the radical left in Europe.

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Harris Ali
Refereed Article

Ali, S. H., Fallah, M. P., Mccarthy, J. M., Keil, R., & Connolly, C. (2022). Mobilizing the social infrastructure of informal settlements in infectious disease response – The case of Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa. Landscape and Urban Planning, 217, 1–13, Article 104256.

Ratiba Hadj-Moussa
Refereed Article

Hadj-Moussa, R. (2022). Thinking altruism or rationality at stake. The American Sociologist, 53, 5–10.  

Muyang Li
Refereed Article

Yang, Q., Luo, Z., Li, M., & Liu, J. (2022). Understanding the landscape and propagation of COVID-19 misinformation and its correction on Sina Weibo. Global Health Promotion, 29(1).  

Lacan and race: Racism, identity, and psychoanalytic theory. - book cover

Sheila Cavanagh
Chapter in Edited Book

Cavanagh, S. L. (2022). Race, perversion, and jouissance in Portrait of Jason. In S. Geroge & D. Hook (Eds.), Lacan and race: Racism, identity, and psychoanalytic theory. (pp. 165–182). Routledge.  

Cary Wu
Refereed Article

Wu, C., & Dawson, A. (2022). Why is trust lower in Quebec? A cultural explanation. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 59(3), 309-329.

Cary Wu
Refereed Article

Wu, C., Bierman, A., & Schieman, S. (2022). Socioeconomic stratification and trajectories of social trust during COVID-19. Social Science Research, 102750.

Cary Wu
Refereed Article

Wu, C. (2022). Intergenerational Transmission of Trust: A Dyadic Approach. Socius, 8, 23780231221076994.

Cary Wu
Refereed Article

Wu, C., & Qian, Y. (2022). The gender peak effect: Women are most vulnerable to infections during COVID-19 peaks. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.

Cary Wu
Refereed Article

Wu, C., Wilkes, R., & Wilson, D. C. (2022). Race & Political Trust: Justice as a Unifying Influence on Political Trust. Daedalus, 151(4), 177-199.

Harris Ali
Refereed Article

Ali, S. H., Wells, K., & Rose, J. R. (2021). Contextualizing risk perception and trust in the community-based response to ebola virus disease in Liberia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(6), Article 3270.

Harris Ali
Refereed Article

Connolly, C., Keil, R., & Ali, S. H. (2021). Extended urbanisation and the spatialities of infectious disease: Demographic change, infrastructure and governance. Urban Studies, 58(2), 245–263.  

Harris Ali
Refereed Article

Treffers, S., Ali, S. H., Keil, R., & Fallah, M. (2021). Extending the boundaries of ‘urban society’: The urban political ecologies and pathologies of Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 

Harris Ali
Refereed Article

Connolly, C., Ali, S. H., & Keil, R. (2020). On the relationships between COVID-19 and extended urbanization. Dialogues in Human Geography 10(2), 213–216.  

Paul Anisef
Refereed Article

Robson, K., Anisef, P., Northrup, D., & Grearson, A. (2021). Panel recovery after 22 years: How we reactivated a 45 year cohort study in Canada. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 12(1), 99–111.  

Paul Anisef
Refereed Article

Robson, K., Pullman, A., Anisef, P., Brown, R. S., & Maier, R. (2021). A multi-level approach to examining food security, race, academic performance, and post-secondary confirmation in a Toronto high school cohort, 2011-2014. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 24(1), 56–75.  

Paul Anisef
Refereed Article

Robson, K., Pullman, A., Maier, R., Anisef, P., & Brown, R. S. (2021). What matters more? What matters less? Changes in the transition to post-secondary between two Toronto high-school cohorts. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 51(2), 15–32.  

Pat Armstrong
Refereed Article

Armstrong, P. (2021). ‘Care Summit’, University of Toronto, June 2019, abridged keynote. International Journal of Care and Caring, 5(1), 159–164.  

Sheila Cavanagh
Refereed Article

Cavanagh, S. L. (2021c). Sociotherapy in the time of COVID-19: A critical position paper on the importance of sociology in psychotherapy. Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 15(2), 211–225.  

Amber Gazso
Refereed Article

Gazso, A. (2021). Managing more than poverty when living with addiction: Parents’ emotion and identity work. Journal of Family Issues.  

Luin Goldring
Refereed Article

Goldring, L., & Landolt, P. (2021). From illegalised migrant toward permanent resident: Assembling precarious legal status trajectories and differential inclusion in Canada. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(1), 33–52.  

Luin Goldring
Refereed Article

Landolt, P., Goldring, L., & Pritchard, P. (2021). Decentering methodological nationalism to survey precarious legal status trajectories. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 25(2), 183–195.  

Luin Goldring
Refereed Article

Parreñas, R., Landolt, P., Goldring, L., Golash-Boza, T., & Silvey, R. (2021). Mechanisms of migrant exclusion: Temporary labour, precarious noncitizenship, and technologies of detention [Special issue paper]. Population Space and Place, 27(5), Article e2488.  

J. Paul Grayson
Refereed Article

Grayson, J. P. (2021a). Boomers and Generation Z on campus: Expectations, goals, and experiences. Canadian Review of Sociology, 58(4), 549–568.  

J. Paul Grayson
Refereed Article

Grayson, J. P. (2021b). Generic skills, academic achievement, and means of improving the former. Journal of Skills Development, 1(2), 7–28.  

Ratiba Hadj-Moussa
Refereed Article

Hadj-Moussa, R. (2021). Youth and activism in Algeria. The question of political generations. The Journal of North African Studies, 26(2), 311–336. 

Barbara Hanson
Refereed Article

Hanson, B. (2021). cyber blame and social theory. SN Social Sciences, 1(7), 178–190.  

Guida Man
Refereed Article

Guruge, S., Amanzai, H., Matsuoka, A., Aery, A., Sidani, S., Leung, E., Wardak, M., & Man, G. C. (2021). Risk factors of elder abuse: Voices of Punjabi immigrant older women and men in the Greater Toronto Area. The Journal of Aging and Social Change, 11(2), 67–82.  

Guida Man
Refereed Article

Guruge, S., Sidani, S., Man, G., Matsuoka, A., Kanthasamy, P., & Leung, E. (2021). Elder abuse risk factors: Perceptions among older Chinese, Korean, Punjabi, and Tamil immigrants in Toronto. Journal of Migration and Health, 4, Article 100059.  

Eric Mykhalovskiy
Refereed Article

Mykhalovskiy, E., Hastings, C., Sanders, C., & Bisaillon, L. (2021). Explicitly racialized and extraordinarily over-represented: Black immigrant men in 25 years of news reports on HIV non-disclosure criminal cases in Canada. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 23(6), 788–803.  

Muyang Li
Refereed Article

Lindner, A. M., Davis, J. L., Burgese, T., Fares, P., Hanson, K. R., Leeds, L., Leon, T., & Li, M. (2021). Now more than ever? CITMAS’s contributions to a pandemic society. Information, Communication & Society, 24(5), 627–632.