Haunted by the event: A response
Michael Nijhawan
Refereed Article, 2020
Nijhawan, M. (2020). Haunted by the event: A response. Sikh Formations, 16(1-2), 200–208.
This paper offers a response to contributions by Conerly Casey, Patrick Eisenlohr, Raji S. Soni and Connor VanderBeek in this inaugural theory colloquium in Sikh Formations. By drawing on Derrida’s philosophy of event and eventfulness and Veena Das’ work, I shall rethink some of the critiques and lines of argument emerging from the four contributions gathered here. Couching my response in the contemporary context of migrant precarity and state violence, I offer some further thoughts as to how Precarious Diasporas might be useful to (re)imagine anthropological inquiry in a transnational field and across sites of diasporicity, religiosity and subjectivity.