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Current Research Projects

The Resource Centre offers members of the Department of Sociology research support for projects related to the Resource Centre’s mandate. RCPS affiliated research projects are highlighted below with associated links, where available. Sociology faculty members participate in listed projects as Principal Investigators, Co-Investigators and Collaborators.

For further information on projects, contact the faculty member.

Sociology MemberResearch ProjectYear                
Lesley WoodIntergenerational Movements and Social Media Silos. SSHRC Insight Development Grant.2024-2026
Lesley WoodActivism and the Academy: A Multimedia KMb Mini-Series. SSHRC Connections Grant.2021-2022
Claudia Chaufan and Cary WuGeopolitics of Anti-Asian Racism in Times of COVID-19. SSHRC Insight Grant.2021-2022
Cary Wu and Eric MykhalovskiyTrust and the Political Sociology of Health. SSHRC Insight Grant.2021-2023
Michael NijhawanAutoimmunity, Self, and Society: A Sociological Approach to Chronic Illness in the Wake of SARS-CoV-2. SSHRC Insight Development Grant.2022-2023
Marcello MustoWar and the Left: A Global History. SSHRC Partnership Development Grant.2023-2026
Marcello MustoThe Global History of Karl Marx's 'Capital'. SSHRC Partnership Development Grant.2021-2022
Marcello MustoAlternative Socio-Economic Ideas, 1789-1871. SSHRC Insight Development Grant.2021-2022
Carmella MurdoccaColonial and Racial Genealogies of Socio-Legal Personhood. SSHRC Insight Grant.2022-2023
Nancy MandellUniversity to Work Transitions of International Students in Canada. SSHRC Insight Development Grant.2022-2023
Emily LaxerPoliticians Against the Law: Populist Representations of Rights and Legality in Contemporary Canadian Politics. SSHRC Insight Development Grant.2021-2022
Christopher KyriakidesRefuge, Racisms, and Resistances: A Co-Created Analysis of the Experiences of Syrian and Ethiopian Refugees in Canada. SSHRC Partnership Development Grant.2022-2023
Fuyuki KurasawaAI for Global Justice? Examining Evidentiary Politics from Below. SSHRC Insight Grant.2021-2023
Johanne Jean-PierreSymposium: Designing a Flourishing Future and Researching with Black Communities in Canada. SSHRC Connections Grant.2023-2024
Johanne Jean-PierreA Bilingual Study of the Institutional Resources that Promote Persistence and Academic Success among First Generation Graduate Students. SSHRC Insight Development Grant.2022-2023
Ratiba Hadj-MoussaPublic Memory at the Edge: Alternative Memory in the Aftermath of Transitional Justice in Algeria and Tunisia. SSHRC Insight Grant.2022-2023
Sheila CavanaghPsychotherapy in Ontario: Training, Access, Quality, and Medicalization. SSHRC Insight Grant.2024-2030
Pat ArmstrongLearning from the Pandemic? Planning for a Long-Term Care Labour Force. SSHRC Insight Grant.2021-2023
Kristin Blakely
" Virtual Wraparound Care: Providing virtual support and care through the experience of early pregnancy loss". MSH UHN Academic Medical Organization AFP Innovation Fund. PI: Catherine Varner. Co-applicants: Roopan Gill, Genevieve Tam, Kristin Blakely, Shelley McLeod, and Michelle Yee. Total funding: $170,387. 2023/2024 - 2024/2025
Kristin Blakely
Co-designing a web-based education platform for patients with early pregnancy loss. MSH UHN Academic Medical Organization AFP Innovation Fund. PI: Catherine Varner. Co-applicants: Kristin Blakely, Shelley McLeod, Howard Ovens, Jackie Thomas, Modupe Tunde-Byass, Michelle Yee. Total funding: $72,016.2021-2022
Kristin Blakely
Inclusive Innovation and Entrepreneurship Network, IIE-Net. Collaborator, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Partnership Grant ($2,446,979 for 2020 - 2026), with Wendy Cukier (PI) and other co-applicants and collaborators.2020-2026
Guida ManCOVID19: Exploring the Experiences of Anti-Chinese/Asian Racism in the GTA. SSHRC2021-2022
Pat ArmstrongCovid-19, families, and long-term residential care. SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant2021
Eric MykhalovskiyCentering Lived and Living Experiences of HIV Surveillance. SSHRC Connections Grant2021
Guida ManInclusive Communities for Older Immigrants (ICOI): Developing multi-level, multi-component interventions to reduce social isolation and promote connectedness among older immigrants in Canada. SSHRC Partnership Grant2020-2027
Deborah DavidsonHealing Tattoos. SSHRC Insight Grant2020-2023
Guida ManTransnational Migration and Social Reproduction: Eldercare Work of Chinese Immigrant Women Professionals in Canada. SSHRC Insight Grant2020-2023
Amber GazsoThe Systems of Our Lives: Navigating Multiple Systems While Living on Low Income. SSHRC Insight Grant2020-2023
Amber GazsoMyth or Reality? Examining Parent-Child Income Assistance Use in Ontario, Canada. SSHRC2020-2023
Harris AliEbola project: Improving Ebola containment through community based initiatives2020-2022
Fuyuki Kurasawa and Harris Ali2019-nCoV’s informational virus: Analyzing the viral character and effects of social media misinformation. CIHR Canadian 2019 Novel Coronavirus Rapid Research Funding Opportunity2020-2022
Christopher KyriakidesBrighter Futures: Equipping African Mothers with Refugee Backgrounds to Effectively Engage with Middle Schools. SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant2020-2021
Carmela MurdoccaRemembering and Memorializing Violence: Transnational Feminist Dialogues (This network brings together feminist scholars through an international seminar and book project to explore transnational dimensions of memorializing violence). SSHRC Connections Grant2020-2021
Eric MykhalovskiyChemStory: community produced podcasts to spark conversations about Chemsex and HIV Prevention. CIHR Catalyst Grant: HIV/AIDS and STBBI Community-Based Research2020
Lesley WoodScenic Urbanization: A Comparative Perspective. YCAR Canada-China Initiatives Fund, York Centre for Asian Research2020
Lesley WoodImagining Abolitionist and Decolonizing Futures. SSHRC Connection Grant2020
 Cary WuEvaluating the Governance of Emergent Pandemic Zoonoses: A Systems & Legal Analysis. CIHR2020
 Cary WuThe Dynamics of Trust Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Outbreak. CIHR
Sociology member: Cary Wu
Mark ThomasClocked In - Work, Time, and Technology in the Digital Economy: Working time patterns in contemporary labour markets. The ways in which new technologies are reshaping the organization of working time. SSHRC Insight Grant2019-2024
Nancy Mandell and Amber GazsoMigration and Resilience in Urban Canada: Discovering Strengths
and Building Capacities (or Building Migrant Resilience in Cities). SSHRC Partnership Grant
Ann KimAsian International Students to Canadian Universities: Examining the Racialization of Chinese, Indian and Korean Students in Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Winnipeg. SSHRC Partnership Grant2019-2023
Christopher KyriakidesPromoting the Transition to Postsecondary Education for African Refugee Youth in Canadian Schools. SSHRC Insight Grant2019-2023
Guida ManMigration and Resilience in Urban Canada: Discovering Strengths and Building Capacity. SSHRC2019-2022
Nancy Mandell, Guida Man, Lawrence Lam and Amber GazsoStalled mobility? Income inequality and intergenerational relationships among newcomer South Asian and Chinese households in York Region. Sub-grant from SSHRC Research BMRI (Building Migrant Resilience in Cities/Immigration et résilience enmilieu urbain)2019-2022
Sylvia BawaResearch/Dissemination Network on Canada’s human rights role in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Christopher KyriakidesBordering (Mis)Trust: The Impact of Refugee Reception Discourses on National Belonging. SSHRC Insight Grant2019-2021
Eric MykhalovskiyFEAST Centre for Indigenous STBBI Research. CIHR Centres for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and STBBIs Research - Indigenous populations2019
Christopher KyriakidesCivil Society and the Global Refugee Regime. SSHRC Partnership Grant2018-2025
Pat ArmstrongChanging Places: Paid and Unpaid Work in Public Places. SSHRC Insight Grant2018-2021
Eric MykhalovskiyUnderstanding contextual factors to effectively and equitably scale up GetCheckedOnline to diverse populations and geographic settings. CIHR Team Grant2018
Mark ThomasCanada Labour Code Data Analysis Infrastructure: Creation of a database of enforcement statistics related to the Canada Labour Code. Analysis of enforcement practices related to federal labour standards. Canada Foundation for Innovation2017-2022
Deborah DavidsonCollaborator, Urbanization, gender and the global south: a transformative knowledge network. SSHRC Partnership Grant2017-2022
Ann KimChild and Youth Refugee Research Coalition (CYRRC): Using Research to Inform Best Practices for Language, Literacy, Learning, Social Integration, and Child and Family Wellbeing. SSHRC Partnership Grant2017-2022
Guida ManDeveloping a Comprehensive Understanding of Elder Abuse Prevention in Immigrant Communities. SSHRC Insight Grant2016-2022
Mark ThomasSpaces of Labour in Moments of Urban Populism: An analysis of the rise of populism in the context of austerity politics in North America. SSHRC Insight Grant2016-2021
Fuyuki KurasawaGlobal Digital Citizenship Lab