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Book your next event, workshop or focus group with us. The Resource Centre for Public Sociology facilities include:

  • Large (23’x23’) multi-purpose focus group/meeting/research room with modular furniture configurations to suit various group sizes and purposes, 80” wired monitor with webcam, seating for 25 boardroom or 35 theatre style.
  • Adjacent (14.5’x23’) observation room with a wide expanse one way window, 60” monitor, which allows observers to watch and listen to interaction unobtrusively (seating for 24)
  • Rooms available for interviewing
  • Digital voice recorders for recording interviews
  • Inquire about other needs: catering, trained interviewers, transcribing interviews

Booking Policies & Procedures

Our facilities are available to members of the York University community.

Requests for bookings must be accompanied by a description of the proposed research well in advance of the anticipated start date. Booking requests should be done through the RCPS Room Booking Request.

The centre is intended to facilitate particular pedagogical or curriculum goals in research-based courses. It cannot be used as regular classroom space. Please notify us of cancellations as soon as possible. We often have a waiting list that we try to accommodate when possible.

Note: While bookings are accepted on a first-come/first-serve basis we strive to be flexible to meet individual needs and requirements. Submitting a proposal does not guarantee acceptance. Once we have received your request we will inform you as to the availability of the dates and times you have requested.

Fees: Our rates are lower than market value and fees contribute to maintaining and upgrading the Resource Centre’s facilities and programs. We are happy to work within your budget.

Study Proposals

Proposals should include:

  1. A one page description of the study that includes purpose, research design, and research team members. If booking a room for an event or activity, submit a one page description.
  2. Anticipated dates and times for use of the facilities.
  3. RCPS resources requested: specify rooms, equipment, technical assistance, interviewers/facilitators, and/or consultation with RCPS Director.
  4. Funding sources, if applicable, i.e. SSHRC, NSERC, LAPS Grant, etc., and budget for space and equipment expenses.
  5. Contact name, phone number, and e-mail address.

Principal Investigators are required to inform the Resource Centre Director of any change in personnel or research design, i.e. new research assistants, change in methodology, etc. Notification must include the relevant information and details describing changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a fee per focus group session for faculty members. This does not apply to graduate or undergraduate students.

Try to let us know as far in advance as possible. We are flexible and know it can be difficult to arrange times with participant groups. If you have booked space and are unable to commit to that time, please inform us as soon as possible so that others may book the facilities, as oftentimes there is a waiting list.

The Centre facilities are available for faculty and graduate students in the York University community who are engaged in qualitative methodological research that requires the use of our observation/research rooms, interview rooms, where audio and/or video recording will be of benefit, and for teaching where use of the facilities is applicable.

Along with the large focus group research room and observation room, rooms can also be booked for interviewing.


Email to with your request, detailing your specific requirements, i.e. whether you require audio and/or video-recording, the size of your group or class, the number of sessions you will need, and tentative dates and times.

While bookings are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis, we strive to meet individual needs in a flexible and informative manner. We will review your request and respond in a timely manner once we have your full information and requirements.