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AP/SOSC 4210 3.00 Mediation, Arbitration and Conflict Resolution

AP/SOSC 4210 3.00 Mediation, Arbitration and Conflict Resolution

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AP/SOSC 4210 3.00

Mediation, Arbitration and Conflict Resolution

The course provides students who have academic or experiential background in industrial relations with the opportunity to increase their knowledge of collective bargaining, labour-management relationships and internal union and management decision-making processes through a year-long simulation. As a member of the union or management team, each student is involved in researching, planning, negotiating and administering a collective agreement. During the first term members of the course prepare for and negotiate a new collective agreement. During the second term, they administer their agreement through the grievance/arbitration process. This is a structured simulation whose chief purpose is to provide an interesting and engaging opportunity to develop research, analytic and communications skills and to learn more about the policy, practice and substance of labour relations in Canada today.
