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EU/ENVS 3170 3.00 Indigenous Environmental Though

EU/ENVS 3170 3.00 Indigenous Environmental Though

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/ENVS 3170 3.00

Indigenous Environmental ThoughExplores various Traditional Aboriginal processes of "coming to know" the environment. Students will be guided through an examination of these Aboriginal relationships, as they existed traditionally, through times of critical change, and into the present. The underlying theme of this course will focus on individual, regional, and national ways of "being and becoming" environmentally responsible moving outwards towards a Global responsibility. Prerequisite: Third-year or fourth- year standing or by permission of the instructor.

Explores various Traditional Aboriginal processes of "coming to know" the environment. Students will be guided through an examination of these Aboriginal relationships, as they existed traditionally, through times of critical change, and into the present. The underlying theme of this course will focus on individual, regional, and national ways of "being and becoming" environmentally responsible moving outwards towards a Global responsibility.
