Founded in 2017 and officially ratified in 2018, the International Development Students' Association (IDSAY) aims to nurture a supportive community and inclusive culture for students registered in any one of York University's International Development Studies degree programs. Perhaps you have questions or require some support while planning your degree or career path. We are here to support you and answer any questions you might have, or match you with the right information source, regarding both the practical and academic aspects to international development.
Membership is open to students and faculty at York University.
If you have any questions regarding membership, speak to any of our year level class reps or contact us at
Our objectives include the following:
- Provide a relaxed and constructive forum for students pursuing degrees in International Development Studies as well as other students from within the York University community to discuss contemporary issues pertaining to but not limited to international trade, economics, development, gender, and societal issues.
- Provide academic support to students pursuing degrees in International Development Studies.
- Offer members and the York University community diverse opportunities for education and reflection on international affairs, through active engagement with expert sources in order to gain an understanding of the works taking place in the field of development.
- Foster and nurture interest in international development and the undertaking of related independent research.
- Ensure that the goals aforementioned are sustained through participatory action, thorough reflection, active mentoring, events, and providing students with a platform to engage and showcase pieces of work from the IDS Core, Regional Focus and Areas of Concentration courses within the IDS program at York University.
- Act as a liaison between IDS students and faculty with regards to improvements and changes that could be made to the IDS program or particular Core, Regional Focus or Area of Concentration courses.