Experience York (EY) is the online system used to manage Social Work practicums. Students, Field Instructors and Faculty will use this system at various points in the practicum to complete required documentation.
Follow the steps outlined below to ensure correct usage of the system.
For Students
You will be using the Experience York database to:
Apply for Practicum
Note: Please ensure you submit your application by the deadline provided at the Applying for Placement Orientation. If you did not attend this orientation, review the presentation or follow the steps below to apply.
- Go to the Experience York website.
- Select 'Students' and 'Login' using your Passport York (PPY) account
- Select 'Social Work' followed by 'Field Placement'
- Select 'View' under Current Experiences
- Select the appropriate practicum course
- Answer the questionnaire' under the 'Applying for placement Orientation' step
- Answer the questionnaire under the 'Field Placement Application' step to submit your practicum application
Submit your Learning Contract
Complete your Midpoint Progress Review and Final Evaluation
Log your Practicum Hours
Submit your Reflective Paper
Complete the Student Placement & Program Questionnaire
Step by step instructions for all of the above tasks can also be found in the EY Student Guide (Screenshot Visual Instruction (pdf)| Written Instruction (pdf).
For Field Instructors
You will be using the Experience York database to:
Review your Student's Placement Confirmation Information
Approve the Learning Contract
Field Instructor Screenshot Visual Instructions - Learning Contract (PDF)
Complete the Midpoint Progress Review and Final Evaluation
Field Instructor Screenshot Visual Instructions - Midpoint Progress Review & Final Evaluation (PDF)
Review and Approve the Log of Hours
Step by step instructions for all of the above tasks can also be found in the: