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Michiel Vos

Michiel Vos

Michiel Vos

Michiel Vos

Manager, AI Startups & Scaleups, Vector Institute

Michiel Vos joined the Vector Institute in 2021 and currently serves as the Manager of AI for Startups and Scaleups, overseeing Vector’s AI Startups and Scaleups Program. In his role, he focuses on enabling applied AI startups and technology-enabled SMEs to enhance their AI capabilities and facilitate AI commercialization. A flagship initiative on startups at Vector Institute is the Machine Learning Associates (MLA) Program, which aims to provide exciting opportunities for members of Vector’s research community, as well as PhD and MSc students in Artificial Intelligence. These individuals are seconded to innovative Canadian startups to advance their AI objectives and develop unique Proof of Concepts, utilizing techniques such as Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, or Generative AI. Michiel is eager to share how Vector has enabled this program to create new job opportunities for AI scientists and students within startups, helping these burgeoning companies find exceptional talent to bridge the technology gap and remain competitive against corporations and Big Tech.
