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Executives & Directors

Our leadership team includes executives and directors who work hard throughout the year ensure that SCOLAPS can continue to run and make impact at York. Our team is made up exclusively of students from the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies who volunteer their time and skill to support student governance.

Executive Team

Daniel Tiah Ankrah Profile Photo

Daniel Tiah Ankrah


Daniel is in his 3rd year pursuing a specialized degree in International Development. He is argumentative and a fire starter. He also has a strong interest in snakes to which some people may find weird and disturbing. Although Daniel is registered as a domestic student in the school files, he is an international student at heart since he spent most of his childhood years in Ghana. Blessed with his situation, he is able to connect with both students from different grounds and act as a liaise between them. He is affiliated with GSA (Ghanaian Student Association) and IDSAY (International Development Student Association at York). Daniel is excited to be on this year’s team as the treasurer and stands strong to help encourage a serene environment for teaching and learning and hopes for your help. “Together we stand, Divided we fall”. 

Michelle Chen Profile Photo

Michelle Chen

Vice President of Governance

Michelle Chen is entering her fourth year at York University, majoring in Honors Bachelor of Commerce with a specialization in information technology. 

She has previously been involved at Vanier College as a peer mentor and guided Liberal Arts and Professional Studies first-year students through their transition to the University. During her time as a peer mentor, she has also worked alongside the media team on projects in design and event planning.

As the Director of Marketing and Promotions on SCOLAPS for 2022-2023, she aims to keep LA&PS students up to date on faculty-related matters and events by collaborating, creating, and distributing promotional material through new and current communication channels and ensuring that SCOLAPS’ marketing objectives are achieved.   

Olabisi Esther Alawode

Vice President of Engagement

Chidumebi Jack-Davies



Hale Mahon

Ian Greene Award Program Director

  • Manage marketing and advertising projects;
  • Maintain and proliferate productive and promising working relationships with other organizations and groups;
  • Operating and maintaining new and current informational channels directed towards membership and constituents at large;
  • Creating and implementing marketing campaigns on all social media platforms;
  • Creating and dispersing promotional material ;
  • The Marketing and Promotion Director shall report to the Chair and Vice Presidents once a week and shall answer to and take direction from the SCOLAPS Executive Committee. Be it further resolved that the Marketing and Promotions Director will be accompanied by a member of the executive at all meetings and events, unless otherwise specified, regarding the business of their respective duties as they relate to SCOLAPS. Be it further resolved that no decision will be made by the Marketing and Promotions Director without the consultation and approval of the SCOLAPS Executive Committee.

Interested in joining our team?

LA&PS students interested in vacant SCOLAPS positions can email for more information.