Version 1, August 2024
The Faculty Appointments Policy Committee of the York University School of Medicine is established to provide guidance for the development and application of policies for the appointment of clinical and non-clinical full-time and part-time faculty members and leadership positions to the School.
Vision of the School
York University’s School of Medicine will prepare the next generation of talented frontline primary care doctors — who represent the diversity of the communities in which they live and work — to not only thrive in a new interprofessional, team-based health care environment but to continue to adapt to evolving patient, community and health system needs.
The Faculty Appointments Policy Committee will develop and recommend policies for the appointment of full-time and part-time faculty members and leadership positions to the York University School of Medicine.
The Faculty Appointments Policy Committee will consider the recommendations of the reports entitled Clinical Faculty Appointments and Considerations for Faculty Recruitment, Development and Recognition.
The Faculty Appointments Policy Committee will work in accordance with the following Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS) standards and elements including:
- Standard 4: Faculty Preparation, Productivity, Participation and Policies
- Element 4.2 Scholarly Productivity
- The medical school's faculty, as a whole, demonstrates a commitment to continuing scholarly productivity that is characteristic of an institution of higher learning.
- Element 4.3 Faculty Appointment Policies
- A medical school has clear policies and procedures in place for faculty appointment, renewal of appointment, promotion, granting of tenure, remediation, and dismissal that involve a faculty member, the appropriate department head(s), and the dean, and provides each faculty member with written information about his or her term of appointment, responsibilities, lines of communication, privileges and benefits, performance evaluation and remediation, terms of dismissal, and, if relevant, the policy on practice earnings.
- Element 4.4 Feedback to Faculty
- A medical school faculty member, consistent with the terms of his or her appointment, receives regular and timely feedback from departmental and/or other educational program or university leaders on his or her academic performance, and, when applicable, progress toward promotion or tenure.
- Standard 9: Teaching, Supervision, Assessment, and Student and Patient Safety
- Element 9.2. Faculty Appointments
- A medical school ensures that supervision of medical students is provided throughout required clinical learning experiences by members of the medical school's faculty.
The Terms of Reference is effective from October 1, 2024 and will continue until October 1, 2025, after which they will be reviewed and revised, as appropriate.
Full members:
- Advisor, Faculty Affairs (Co-Chair)
- Dean of Record/Institutional Lead or delegate (Co-Chair)
- Faculty Lead, ICLN
- One (1) Chief of Staff of a partner institution of the School
- Five (5) community physicians, two will be community based primary care physicians, two will be Chiefs of Staff or Director of an education program in a partner institution of the School and one will be a community-based specialist physician
- One (1) Member from one of the Indigenous, Black, or Disabled Advisory Committees
Ex-officio members:
- Director, ICLN
- Advisor, Curriculum and Accreditation
- Assistant Vice-President Labour Relations or delegate
- University Secretariat or delegate
- Senior Counsel, Labour & Employment or delegate
- Advisor, Faculty Development
- Accreditation Committees Project Coordinator
- Support staff as required
- The Appointments Committee will meet every two weeks or at the call of the Co-Chairs;
- The meetings will be 90 minutes in duration;
- Quorum will be 50% plus one of the committee members;
- Members serve for one year or sooner if there is a need to revise the Terms of Reference;
- Meeting minutes reflecting the activities of the committee will be recorded;
- Committee members are expected to attend meetings, or if unable to do so, send advance notice of their absence;
- When one Co-Chair is absent, the other Co-Chair will chair the meeting;
- Key parties of interest, such as advisors internal or external to York University, will be invited to attend on as as-needed basis;
- The Admissions Committee reports to the Dean of Record/Institutional Lead for the School.
Committee Member Expectations
- Attend at least 75% of the meetings;
- Prepare for the meetings in advance;
- Complete agreed tasks in a timely manner;
- Solicit and contribute collegial input.
Roles and Responsibilities
- To develop appointment and promotions policies for part-time and full-time faculty members affiliated with the School.
- To develop recommendations on annual review processes and procedures
- To make recommendations on how to recruit faculty members.
- To work collaboratively with the Advisor, Faculty Development to develop onboarding and faculty development for new faculty members
- To ensure the principles of decolonization, equity, diversion and inclusion are integrated into appointments, faculty development, promotions and recognition activities.