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Paper of the month (September 2020) from Drs. Haas and Roudier research group

Nwadozi, ERudnicki, MDe Ciantis, M, et al. High‐fat diet pre‐conditioning improves microvascular remodelling during regeneration of ischaemic mouse skeletal muscleActa Physiol2020229:e13449.

Significance of the research:

Peripheral artery disease severely reduces blood flow to leg muscles, resulting in extensive and prolonged ischemic muscle damage. A multi-disciplinary team of scientists from York University, University of Western Ontario and Karolinska Institute (Sweden) discovered that short-term administration of a high fat diet improves blood flow recovery, oxygen delivery and muscle health following ischemic damage. These findings demonstrate that dietary interventions may provide a tool to improve muscle recovery, functional independence and overall quality of life for individuals affected by severe muscle damage.

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