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Paper of the month (November 2020) from Dr. Sherry Grace research group

Turk-Adawi K, Supervia M, Lopez-Jimenez F, Adawi A, Sadeghi M, Grace SL. Women-Only Cardiac Rehabilitation Delivery Around the World [published online ahead of print, 2020 Feb 29]. Heart Lung Circ. 2020;S1443-9506(20)30060-3. doi:10.1016/j.hlc.2020.01.015

Significance of the research:

Cardiac rehab (CR) offers structured exercise, including resistance training, which promotes muscle health. Despite its proven benefits, availability around the world is low, and fewer women than men attend. Under the leadership of Prof. Sherry Grace (@sherrylgrace) of MHRC, the @ICCPR_GlobalCR audited the availability and nature of CR around the world, including women-only CR. Results showed it is only available in 2% of programs globally, primarily in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Only large, well-resourced programs could offer it, suggesting more feasible ways of delivering women-only sessions should be explored to engage more of this population in need.

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