40 Year Reunion of the class of 1971 has been scheduled for June 24 - 26, 2011 in Victoria BC. All the latest updates and Reunion information can be found
at this new website. Click here. Details so far:
We’re sure everyone who attended the 35th reunion in Surrey in 2006 remembers what an amazing weekend it was and how great it was to catch up with all those people who graduated from Mt Elizabeth all those years ago! Who can forget the food, the music, the fun and of course...
PERSONAL PAGES [2011 version] [last update January 20th, 2011] PERSONAL PAGES [2006 version] IN MEMORIAM [last update July 18th, 2010] Latest class news: [last update Oct. 23, 2008]
Class of 1970 - 40 Year Reunion held June 2010. lots of [250] good pictures here. Play it as a "slideshow". Great work by Dennis McElroy and Willa! REUNION 2006 [35 years] - A record of THE EVENT PHOTOS.
Class photo is posted here. History of Early Kitimat click on the pictures on the web site to enlarge them Kitimat Centennial Museum more history and photos Kitimaat's Totem Pole Links to sites of MESS grads: Anyone with material from this era who would like to see it posted please
contact me at: |