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How can we best celebrate Mother’s Day in the 2nd pandemic year?

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How can we best celebrate Mother’s Day in the 2nd pandemic year?

TORONTO, May 6, 2021 — In “normal” times the go-to Mother’s Day gift is perhaps flowers, chocolates, and brunch. But what moms need this year is support and recognition for the work they are doing as frontline worker keeping families safe and cared for as the pandemic continues, according to motherhood expert Professor Andrea O’Reilly in the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at York University.

“On a cultural and political level, we need more and better social and public policies on childcare, new and supportive workplace initiatives, pandemic support for care labour, and in our homes, partners sharing the motherload,” says O’Reilly, who co-edited the recently published book Mothers, Mothering, and Covid-19: Dispatches from a Pandemic.

O’Reilly, who is available for media interviews to discuss topics relating to mothers and motherhood, also helped to develop Momming Through the Pandemic, an upcoming free workshop open exclusively to York University community members. The event hosted by York’s Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education aims to provide a space for mothers to share and support each other and discuss coping strategies.

“This year give mothers what they truly deserve and need: recognition and respect for their essential care labour,” says O’Reilly. “Give mothers the day fully and truly for themselves – no housework, meal prep, childcare – and ideally with a gift to make this possible; a book she is wanting to read, flowers for her to enjoy, and a meal delivered to the door.”

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Media Contact:

Gloria Suhasini, York University Media Relations, 647.463.4354,