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How to find more information about a drug that your doctor prescribed

How to find more information about a drug that your doctor prescribed

You’ve just been given a prescription for a new drug from your doctor. Your doctor told you why she was prescribing the medication, gave you its name and some information about common side-effects. Your pharmacist is also available to help you use the medication properly, but you want more details and general information.

Maclean’s 2024 rankings: York holds strong as one of Canada's top-five comprehensive universities, advancing to fourth place overall

Maclean’s 2024 rankings: York holds strong as one of Canada's top-five comprehensive universities, advancing to fourth place overall

It is no secret that York University is rapidly building momentum on the world stage and the latest rankings, released today by Maclean’s, show the University’s reputation continues to shine here in Canada with an impressive fourth place ranking – up one spot over last year. Guided by a University Academic Plan that strives to both inspire […]

Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer Supports Postsecondary Learner Mobility at York University

Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer Supports Postsecondary Learner Mobility at York University

Dr. Adrienne Galway, Executive Director of the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) was joined by Jill Dunlop, Minister of Colleges and Universities, and Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan, President and CEO of Humber College, to announce 39 new projects focused on supporting postsecondary learner mobility.

Deadly border technologies are increasingly employed to violently deter migration

Deadly border technologies are increasingly employed to violently deter migration

In late May 2024, I travelled to the United States-Mexico border to study the smart-wall addition to the border structure. I was accompanied by Arizona-based journalist and friend, Todd Miller, and we studied the wall as Customs and Border Protection trucks rumbled by and drones scanned the sky. We also watched as a young man scaled […]

Unexpected diversity of light-sensing proteins goes beyond vision in frogs

Unexpected diversity of light-sensing proteins goes beyond vision in frogs

This Thursday marks the first day of summer in the Northern hemisphere, the longest day of the year. Living beings have evolved over many millennia to react to varying amounts of sunlight exposure, governing everything from sleep-wake cycles, seasonal changes and more, but the proteins responsible for responding to different light environments for non-visual purposes are an underexplored area of science. New research led by a York University Faculty of Science professor and former York researcher found that frogs have maintained a shocking number, and diversity, of these light-sensing proteins, called opsins, over evolutionary time.

Ontario’s expansion of alcohol to convenience stores is a covert union avoidance strategy

Ontario’s expansion of alcohol to convenience stores is a covert union avoidance strategy

The Ontario government has announced it’s expediting its plan to get beer into thousands of convenience stores. The announcement received immediate backlash, primarily against the $225 million given to the Beer Store to subsidize its adjustment to a new competitive environment and avoid sudden closures of store locations.