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The life aquatic: a game changer for frog vision, but little difference between night and day, York-led study finds

The life aquatic: a game changer for frog vision, but little difference between night and day, York-led study finds

Frogs display a remarkable diversity of species as a whole, but does the same hold true for their visual abilities? A new study led by York’s Faculty of Science sought to answer this question by collaborating with researchers in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Cameroon, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, French Guiana, Gabon, Seychelles, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States, to get a sample of a diverse array of frogs to study the visual pigments found in their eyes.

Les abeilles mellifères sont confrontées à de multiples facteurs de stress qui affectent leur santé

Les abeilles mellifères sont confrontées à de multiples facteurs de stress qui affectent leur santé

Selon une nouvelle étude de l’Université York, il ne s’agit pas d’un seul pesticide ou virus qui stresse les abeilles domestiques et qui affecte leur santé, mais plutôt de l’exposition à un réseau complexe de multiples facteurs de stress en interaction rencontrés lors de leurs activités de pollinisation et de butinage des cultures.

Media invited to see the next generation of STEM researchers compete for top prize

Media invited to see the next generation of STEM researchers compete for top prize

Improving the quality of life of Alzheimer’s patients, how artificial intelligence can battle wildfires and dual defense systems to tackle auto theft are some of the STEM projects young scientists will show off at the York Region Science and Technology Fair (YRSTF) this Saturday, April 6. Top projects will receive gold, silver and bronze medals and secure the honour of representing York Region at the Canada Wide Science Fair in Ottawa this year.

A human, environmental and economic emergency response to the Baltimore Key Bridge collapse

A human, environmental and economic emergency response to the Baltimore Key Bridge collapse

On March 26, the container ship Dali in Baltimore’s industrial harbour struck an interstate highway bridge, causing it to catastrophically collapse. Eight highway maintenance workers were thought to be on the bridge at the time of collapse. Two were rescued, and two bodies were recovered. Four workers rem

York University welcomes transformative investment in next phase to create a new School of Medicine

York University welcomes transformative investment in next phase to create a new School of Medicine

York University has long been a leader in health education and research, and we are excited to welcome the Ontario government’s newest investment in the future of health care in York Region and beyond, announced today as part of Budget 2024: Building a Better Ontario. This announcement of $9M in start-up funding will support further development and planning toward a new School of Medicine at York University […]

Why are women cited less than men?

Why are women cited less than men?

Strong evidence suggests that women are not cited less per article than men, but that they accumulate fewer citations over time and at the career level. Cary Wu argues that a focus on research productivity is key to understanding and closing the gender citation gap.