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After decades of Arctic sea ice getting faster and more hazardous for transport, models suggest a dramatic reversal is coming, York U study finds

After decades of Arctic sea ice getting faster and more hazardous for transport, models suggest a dramatic reversal is coming, York U study finds

Will ice floating in the Arctic Ocean move faster or slower over the coming decades? The answer to this question will tell us whether marine transportation can be expected to get more or less hazardous. It might also have important implications for the rate of ice cover loss, which is hugely consequential for Northern Indigenous communities, ecosystems, and the global climate system.

Mutual Aid Is A Lifeline

Mutual Aid Is A Lifeline

Equity studies Professor Yvonne Su says that research shows social divisions and inequalities return, often stronger, after the immediate danger of a disaster passes, weighing in on how the efforts to provide community support have shifted since after the first COVID lockdown.

Moving forward while learning from past vital, York U Black History Month panellists

Moving forward while learning from past vital, York U Black History Month panellists

Education, particularly math education, is not a neutral space for Black students. It continues to be a space where there are fewer expectations of success. That was one of the messages that emerged during the Black History Month panel on education, Black Educators and Black Education, at the Harriet Tubman Institute at York University.

Becoming Professor Carl James

Becoming Professor Carl James

It was at the now-closed Brockton High School near the new Dufferin Mall on what was then called Awde Street, where a young Carl James met with other community organizers on a September Saturday.