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Media Releases

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Are we using the right tools to assess risks of wildfires to health?

Microvasculature is an under researched aspect of effect on cardiovascular system, say York University kinesiologists, who can give interviews in English and French 

August 23, 2023 | 1:14 pm

Featured, Media Releases, Stories

Utilisons-nous les bons outils pour évaluer les risques des feux de forêt sur la santé?

La microcirculation représente une part sous-étudiée du système cardiovasculaire dans le contexte des feux de forêt selon des chercheurs en kinésiologie de l’Université York, qui sont disponibles pour

August 23, 2023 | 12:30 pm

Featured, Media Releases, Stories

Justice Fund announces gift to York U for Black & Indigenous students’ arts education

The announcement of $100,000 Justice Fund Bursaries to the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design was made during Justice Fund Summit “Lover of Humanity” in Toronto

August 9, 2023 | 4:49 pm

Featured, Media Releases, Stories

Breathe deeply: York U leads atmospheric scientists in analyzing city’s air pollution

As Toronto gets hotter, muggier and wildfire smoke increasingly wafts through the atmosphere, researchers at York University are leading a team of atmospheric scientists in testing the city’s air poll

August 3, 2023 | 10:07 am

Featured, Media Releases, Stories

Earth Overshoot Day: Humanity using more than Earth can renew

The Earth’s account is once again overdrawn, but rather than money it is natural resources that humanity has used up. Tomorrow is the day that becomes official – Earth Overshoot Day – when the Earth i

August 1, 2023 | 11:16 am